JCSM Shareware Collection 1997 February
JCSM Shareware Collection February 1997 Best of (JCS Marketing)(February 1997).bin
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The Program For
Astrological Analysis
For IBM PC and Compatibles
User Manual
Effective Date: September 14, 1994
(C) Copyright 1985, 1988-1993 By Christopher J. Noyes
T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S :
License For Use........................3
New To Astrology?......................7
Introduction to ASTRO..................8
System Requirements to Run ASTRO......11
Notation Used in This Manual..........13
Installing ASTRO......................14
Starting Up ASTRO.....................18
Installing ASTRO......................18
Using Screens & Menus.................21
Installing ASTRO......................21
Quick Reference Guide.................28
Installing ASTRO......................28
Entering and Editing Data.............30
Viewing and Printing the Results......36
ASTRO Utilities.......................40
ASTRO Graphics........................42
Using Options.........................48
Handling Errors.......................58
Glossary of Astrological Terms........61
Glossary of Computer Terms............66
Page 2
L I C E N S E F O R U S E :
Shareware Trial Edition.
Shareware is a means of register and upgrade. Running a
marketing Software at a small business costs money. If
reasonable price. Developers of you enjoy using a shareware
Software use Shareware to product, either register it or
distribute their products using tell the developer what they
Shareware because it provides a can do to provide a product
minimal advertising cost. that you will register. If you
Advertising costs money. In don't register remove the
order to market a program on a product from your system and
retail basis, a developer don't use it. Shareware is not
typically needs to sell a Free or Public Domain Software.
minimum of 5000 copies a month. You can't expect timely
Shareware circumvents this upgrades and fixes from Free or
somewhat and helps provide you Public Domain Software. With a
the customer with a good value Product like ASTRO, if you
at a much lower price than you register, and you find there
would receive from a commercial are problems I will do
source. everything I can to see that
In order for shareware to the product works well for you.
work, If users are actually I will provide you as much
using a product, they must assistance as I can. This
register. Developers can't unfortunately costs money. I
continue to develop and improve can't do it without your
products if customers don't registration.
This software is provided minimal level of technical
for Trial Purposes Only! The support to any caller who calls
purpose of this is to give you asking for help without
the user the opportunity to try registration.
out ASTRO without having to buy When you register this
it in order to try it. program, I will send you the
This version allows you to latest version of ASTRO, free
use all features of this of limitations and reminders,
version unimpaired. You are complete with all utilities.
Entitled to Use this Shareware Since this package is
Version for Up to 30 days from provided for trial purposes,
purchase without Obligation. you may copy the original .ZIP
You may not use this version or .LZH files or disks you
for any Commercial Purpose. I received as many times as you
will attempt to provide a
Page 3
wish, and upload, download it The only thing I ask is to
to your heart's content. upload or copy the entire
This version is provided package intact, in the original
in two different versions One ZIP file (provided you got this
shipped in .ZIP format files package on a BBS) or disk form,
compatible with PKZIP/PKUNZIP, and not change the program or
this version is preferred for any of the documentation.
BBSs. The other is shipped with Unauthorized alterations
a proprietary install program versions to this package will
which works with LHA.EXE uses be considered "Pirated" or
.LZH compressed files. These hacked. This is to protect you
files can be decompressed using the user from receiving a
LHA as well. If you wish to damaged files that may damage
upload the .LZH version, you your system or disk. The disks
should create an archive called I send you once you register
AST271-0.LZH containing this program may not be copied,
INSTALL.EXE, INSTALL.DAT, and except for archival or backup
INSTALL.3. purposes only.
NOTICE: If you wish to use this program for Commercial purposes,
Please print out two copies of COMAGRE.DOC, sign and return with
the Registration form. Please contact me if you have any
questions about this.
By registering you will be entitled to technical support and
future upgrades at reasonable prices. If You are in a rush I can
notify you of the password for your program till your Updated
copy arrives.
Payment of $29.95 or budget registration gets you a password which
will turn off the registration screens and disclaimer a the top
of reports. It also entitles you to notification of additional
products and upgrades, and 90 days technical support.
Payment of $39.95 or Lite Registration gets you a fresh copy of
ASTRO Lite, complete with a set of disks and printed manual. The
Lite version includes a 1200 Location database and additional
birth information for a number of famous people.
Additional Non-Shareware versions are available. Please see the
file VERSIONS.DOC for additional versions.
Windows 3.1 versions of ASTRO are now available as well. When
you register, specify Windows 3.1 and a Windows versions will
be shipped.
Page 4
To Register, Print out the file README.DOC or REGISTER.DOC.
These files have a registration form in them. Fill in an send
to with a check or money order:
Christopher J. Noyes Software at
144 Union Street, Store A
Brooklyn, NY 11231
Or FAX to (718) 625-6766 if using a credit card.
Or E-Mail to compuserve 71570,3055 or CJNoyesSW on
AOL or cjnoyessw@aol.com from the internet if you
are using a credit card.
Or call (718) 625-2262 if you are using a credit card.
You may distribute the Shareware version of ASTRO as long
as you do not charge more than $5.00 per disk. A lot of hard
work went into ASTRO. In order to continue improving ASTRO and
providing extensions to it, you must register it. Without
your support, I cannot afford to justify the expense and energy
necessary, if you will not register and support this product.
Thanks in Advance,
Christopher J. Noyes
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that
the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help.
The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem
with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545
Grover Road, Muskegon, MI USA 49442-9427, Fax 616-788-2765,
or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP
Ombudsman 70007,3536.
Page 5
W A R R A N T Y :
If I am unable to resolve any problems you have with ASTRO,
once you register it, I will refund your money provided you
return all disks and this manual that I shipped you when you
While every attempt has been made to assure that ASTRO will
work properly, I will not be held responsible for any damage,
loss of profit, or other losses caused by ASTRO.
If you did not purchase ASTRO Directly from Me, I suggest
first trying to get support from the company you bought ASTRO
from. If they are unable to solve your problem, I will be happy
to help you.
For technical support on ASTRO:
* Call me at (728) 625-2262 between the hours of 10:30 A.M. and
4:30 P.M. (EST), any day. If I am not available, please leave a
message, I will call you back as soon as I can.
* Contact me on Compuserve Mail using the ID 71570,3055.
* Contact me on America On-Line using the ID CJNoyesSW.
* Contact me on The Internet using 71570.3055@compuserve.com or
* Contact me on ILINK bulletin board systems using the name
Chris Noyes.
* FAX Me At (718) 625-6766.
* Contact me by Mail at the address below.
144 Union Street--Store A
Brooklyn, NY 11231.
Page 6
N E W T O A S T R O L O G Y ?
To get the most out of this program you will need some
understanding of astrology. ASTRO does provide some help in this
area via the ASTRO-Helper found in the Utilities menu, and the
"Astrological Glossary" in the back of this manual, you will be
more able to make use of this program if you do some background
reading. I suggest the following reading material:
Instant Astrology. By Mort Gale. Published by Warner Books, New
York, 1980.
Compendium of Astrology. By Rose Lineman and Jan Popelka.
Published by Para Research, West Chester PA, 1984.
The New Compleat Astrologer. By Derek and Julia Parker. Published
in the United States by Harmony Books, a division of Crown
Publishers, Inc. Current edition published 1984.
The New A To Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator. By Llewellyn
George. Revised and Expanded, Revised and Edited by Marylee
Bytheriver. Published by Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul,
Minnesota, Current version Copyright 1981.
These Are a few more books that may be good for users with any
degree of experience with astrology or with ASTRO.
The Houses: Power Places of the Horoscope. Edited by Joan
McEvers. Published by Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul,
Minnesota, Copyright 1989.
Planets in Combination. By Lynne Burmyn. Published by ACS
Publications, San Diego CA, Copyright 1985.
Progressions Directions and Rectification, or the Great Guessing
Game...What Time Where You Born? By Zipporah Pottenger
Dobyns. Published by T.I.A. Publications, Copyright 1975.
The Rising Sign--Your Astrological Mask. By Jeanne Avery. A
Dolphin Book, Published by Doubleday, New York, Copyright
Astrological Assistance. By Saul P. Larner. Published By Prentice
Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Copyright 1972.
The International Atlas, Second Edtion, World latitude,
Longitudes and Time Changes. Compiled and Programmed by
Thomas G. Shanks. Published by ACS Publications, San Diego,
CA, Copyright 1985, 1988.
The American Atlas, Revised, US Latitudes and Longitudes. Time
Changes and Time Zones. Compiled and Programmed by Thomas G.
Shanks. Published by ACS Publications, San Diego, CA,
Copyright 1978, 1987
Page 7
I N T R O D U C T I O N T O A S T R O :
BACKGROUND. many improvements over earlier
ASTRO was conceived of in 1985, versions. Many new features
back when I was programming on have been introduced and many
a Commodore 128 computer. I other fine spots have been
started working on ASTRO out of ironed out.
curiosity mostly, and soon got
deeply involved. I soon ported WHY USE ASTRO?
it over to the IBM PC when I ASTRO The Program for
discovered I couldn't get ASTRO Astrological Analysis, or ASTRO
to do what I wanted on the for short is a powerful
Commodore due to limited tools computer program. Where many
available, and the limited astrological computer programs
capabilities of the computer. produce accurate results, they
The original Version of mostly produce just the numbers
ASTRO that appeared on the IBM and the facts. They tell you
PC in early 1987 was good at very little about yourself or
some things, particularly its others without doing a whole
simplicity, speed, and ease of lot of research into the
use. It did have some problems 'delineation' or interpretation
though. It particularly had of the numbers and the signs.
problems for advanced ASTRO is different. ASTRO
astrologers and those people is designed to produce a
who were very new to computers. textual type of output,
It also had problems, primarily consisting of the numbers, text
in lack of accuracy and interpreting the results into
problems due to not following significant terms. ASTRO also
common astrological standards. provides a graphics cartwheel
It was good though for people printout as well that helps in
who were really only casually understanding the individual's
interested in astrology. chart.
I got so much feedback ASTRO is excellent for the
from more advanced astrologers new astrologer who really
that I decided to rebuild ASTRO doesn't understand all the
from scratch and resolve the details in interpretation, and
majority of their problems. is seeking to learn more, more
This version of ASTRO is for about others, more about
all intensive purposes a brand themselves. ASTRO provides an
new program. The only things excellent learning aide in the
kept were some of the text that ASTRO-Helper. I am not
was generated, the "ASTRO suggesting though that ASTRO
Helper" text, and some of the can totally replace an
modes used. excellent astrologers'
This release is the third delineation of a highly
major release of ASTRO. It accurate chart, it can though
breaks major ground and makes
Page 8
provide an excellent starting called the Pro version will be
point. released. This will offer many
ASTRO is also excellent advanced features that only
for the experienced astrologer. advanced astrologers will make
It can provide charts that use of or will understand.
rival those provided by hand or
other computer systems. NEW AND ENHANCED CAPABILITIES.
There are many improvements in
TWO VERSIONS. the deluxe version of this
This release of ASTRO is release, as well as the Lite
provided in two different version.
versions. Both have equal ASTRO has an easy-to-use
accuracy and performance. intuitive user interface. It is
The Lite version is a limited easy to use, and is much more
version that provides most of powerful. This version also
the major functions but leaves features support for Microsoft,
out many of the advanced and Mouse Systems and mice whose
new features that a novice drivers are compatible with
won't understand or be able to these.
use. This version also will ASTRO has several built in
work on a two 360k 5-1/4" databases. One for people's
floppy disk system. birth dates, time and places.
The Deluxe version provides The other is a database of
many new features that the locations, giving all the
advanced astrologer may necessary data for
understand and make use of. The approximately 100 U.S. cities
beginner may have difficulty and approximately 100 foreign
with these, or may not need cities. A 1200 city database of
them. If you bought the Lite locations (primarily US and
version you will be able to Canadian cities) is also
upgrade to the Deluxe version available. It can be used to
when you are ready. store the locations of your own
These are the features birth date, your birth
left out of the Lite version location, locations and births
and present in the deluxe of all your friends, associates
version: midpoints, and other people you do charts
progressions, solar and lunar for regularly.
returns, relocated charts, This version of ASTRO uses
composite charts and enhanced Highly accurate routines to
birth rectification. A few generate the planet positions,
minor features under utilities house cusps, and aspects.
have also been omitted as well. Planetary positions are
Each major feature that is accurate to no more than 5
present only in the Deluxe Minutes in Arc.
version will be marked in this House cusps can be
manual as such. generated using Equal House, M-
At some point in the House, Placidus, Companus, and
future, a third version, to be Regiomontanus house systems.
Page 9
ASTRO also provides the processing formats retain all
following: midpoints, and formatting information.
aspects to midpoints, along Also introduced in this
with decans, midheaven, Moon's version are enhanced printing
Nodes, Part of Fortune, Vertex capabilities. This version
and East-Point, and other creates reports that utilize
important calculations and bold and underscore
determinations. Also provided capabilities of your printer,
is Birth Rectification, by and screen, along with a
which basic houses can be numeric only report format, in
roughly determined, even if you case you only want the numbers.
don't know a person's exact In the old version your
time of birth, and optional day horoscope was only stored in
for a year progressions. memory until you chose to view
The graphics cartwheel it or print it and it was over-
display can be used with any of written when you chose to do
many standard graphics adapter another. This version produces
and monitor combinations. The all files directly to the disk
graphics cartwheel printed on in a special compressed format.
the screen can also be printed The names of the files
to the printer with built in generated to the disk are kept
printer support. in a file list stored on disk
ASTRO directly supports and in memory. You can select
IBM/Epson compatible printers from many different charts that
(9 and 24 pin, B&W and Color) you may have calculated and
or HP LaserJet, DeskJet and kept on disk. These charts can
compatible printers, but the be marked with comments when
setup file can be altered to compiling, that can aid you in
support many others as well. determining which chart to look
This version also allows you to at, print, convert, or view as
convert your horoscope to an a graphics-cartwheel.
ASCII text file, or convert If you have a math co-
your horoscope to the format processor chip either an 8087,
used by WordStar 3.x or 4.x, 80287 or 80387, ASTRO supports
WordPerfect 4.x or 5.x, or this chip and producing a
XYWrite. The Deluxe Program faster chart, and faster
also provides support for graphics drawing when doing the
converting to an Microsoft Word graphics cartwheel. If you do
RTF type file. not have the math coprocessor,
Many word processors are ASTRO will emulate the
compatible with at least one of coprocessor.
these file formats. Word
Page 10
T O R U N A S T R O:
Though ASTRO is a flexible system and can be run on a number of
different type of system setups, it does have some requirements
for hardware.
1. Hard Disk and One Floppy
COMPUTER AND DOS. disk any capacity. This is
ASTRO requires at least an IBM- recommended for the Deluxe
PC or at least a close Version.
compatible or BIOS Compatible
computer running either MS-DOS 2. Two or More floppy disk
or PC-DOS version 2.0 or later. drives, either 360k, 5-1/4"
Memory. or 720k 3-1/2". Two 360k
ASTRO will work on as diskettes are not
little as 300k of Free Memory. recommended, and the Deluxe
You can determine the amount of version cannot be installed
free memory by using the dos on this type of system.
program chkdsk. If ASTRO has
more memory it will run better 3. One High capacity floppy
and faster. ASTRO will take disk drive either 1.2Mb,
advantage of any LIM EMS 3.2+ 5-1/4" or 1.44Mb 3-1/2".
Expanded memory on a system and These are usually found
will use Extended memory (not on either IBM PC-AT or
to be confused with LIM EMS or compatibles, or IBM- PC PS2
Expanded memory) as well as LIM models 50-80 systems, or
EMS for caching of overlays to other compatibles. There may
improve speed be some difficulty in
installing the deluxe
DISK SETUP. version on the 1.2MB floppy
Though ASTRO does not 'Require' as it may not leave much
a Hard disk, one is Strongly working room.
Recommended though, as it will If you choose to use a 2
enhance performance and speed floppy 360k disk setup, you
up operations. Using ASTRO with will only be able to store a
two 360k floppy disk drives limited amount of information
will be rather difficult and is on a given disk before you have
not recommended because of the to erase files. Second you will
degree of disk swapping have to swap disks when ASTRO
required and charts on disk needs different files.
take up a considerable amount
of free space. ASTRO requires
at least one of the following
three possible setups:
Page 11
------------------------------- compatible with the above
NOTE: You should be able to standards, though some will not
install a limited capacity Hard operate such as the ATI EGA
drive (10MB or 20MB) on most Wonder card. The program is
any system for under $350, compatible with AT&T graphics
though one with more capacity adapters, made by Olivetti,
or speed. will cost more. which are generally enhanced
------------------------------- versions of the above
VIDEO. standards.
To use the graphics capability In order to print the
that ASTRO provides, you will graphics cartwheel properly to
need one of the following: some printers and EGA or VGA
should be "register compatible"
1. VGA (or compatible) graphics with the IBM VGA standard.
adapter and digital or There are some that are not
analog monitor, either B&W compatible enough.
or color. If you are using a 9 pin
2. EGA (or compatible) graphics B&W printer there is a special
adapter and enhanced color compatibility "BIOS" mode, that
or TTL monochrome monitor. will make use of the code built
For Full 640 pixel x 350 into your graphics board, to
pixel graphics, that ASTRO get the image from the screen.
is capable of supporting you This is code not fast enough
will need at least 128K of though for the other printer
video memory, some early EGA drivers.
cards had only 64k). Printer.
3. Hercules graphics card (HGC) ASTRO directly supports many
or mono-chrome graphics different printers, as most
adapter capable of emulating printers are compatible with
the HGC completely (Many either the Epson/IBM dot matrix
Monochrome cards do this printer standard, or are
well) and a monochrome compatible with the Hewlett
monitor. An IBM Monochrome Packard PCL Standard.
Display Printer Adapter ASTRO supports both 9 and
(MDPA) will allow ASTRO to 24 pin Epson/IBM compatible
run, but won't work with the printers, both B&W and Color.
graphics display. A Hercules ASTRO also supports
compatible adapter can be Hewlett Packard LaserJet,
installed in most systems DeskJet, PaintJet and
for under $100. compatible printers, as well as
4. CGA, MCGA (or compatible) the Canon Laser printers.
graphics adapter and color Other printers are
monitor or monochrome indirectly supported, by the
monitor. user typing in codes into data
ASTRO is compatible with screens or the graphics setup
most compatible graphics file.
adapter cards that are
Page 12
N O T A T I O N U S E D I N T H I S M A N U A L :
This section describes the notation that is used in this manual
for your clarification.
Words typed in ALL CAPS indicate a file, directory or system
command. An ALL CAPS word followed by a colon such as A:
indicates a disk drive or output device. A 'Path', is a series of
directory names separated by '\' marks and may begin with a
drive, or the symbols '..' meaning the previous directory, or '.'
meaning the current directory. A path beginning with a '\'
indicates a path that starts at the root directory or at the
start of the disk. A file you will notice is usually constructed
with a 'Name' of up to 8 letters or numbers, a '.' and an up to 3
letter 'Extension'.
A key on the keyboard will either be signified by
surrounding it with ' and ' such as 'c'. or surrounded by { and }
such as {ALT} signifying the ALT key on your keyboard. {Fn}
refers the function keys at the top or left of your keyboard,
where n indicates a number from 1 to 10 or 12 depending on your
system such as {F1} for the F1 key.
Notation such as {ALT}+'A' indicates that you hold down the
ALT key while pressing the 'A' key.
Page 13
I N S T A L L I N G A S T R O :
Most people will probably be able to run the install program and
go. Though, if you wish to, you can easily change the
configuration using the setup function found under the options
I M P O R T A N T !
Before you start using ASTRO, I suggest that you make backup
copies so the original master diskettes are not destroyed or
harmed in any way. This way you can make additional copies if the
original is damaged.
This is particularly important to floppy disk users, though
hard disk users will probably want to make a backup as well, and
put the original away in a safe place after copying the master
diskettes to your hard disk.
You should check to see that your CONFIG.SYS file has the
following two entries in it. This file is usually found in your
root directory or your startup floppy disk.
This file can be edited with any editor that will edit and
produce a straight ASCII file. The two values should be
considered minimum. On most systems you may be able to use more,
though check your DOS manual just to be sure.
You should have a line in the CONFIG.SYS has the entry FILES=12
and BUFFERS=10. The numbers are not important as long as you have
more than these numbers in the file. If these are not present in
your file, you should add them or alter them so you have at least
these values. If you are using MS-DOS or PC-DOS 2.1 or less you
will only be able to set FILES=20 and no more. If you are in the
main directory on your startup disk you can see the CONFIG.SYS
file by typing TYPE CONFIG.SYS {ENTER}
FLOPPY DISK BASICS. second side has not been
Floppy disks come in several tested.
different varieties, so it is Before any of the
important to buy the right type following operations, make sure
for your computer, though the the diskette is securely in the
brand doesn't really matter as drive before closing the latch.
long as you buy a high quality The label on the disk should be
diskette. You should usually facing up when you insert the
buy "Double Sided" diskettes. disk in the drive.
Single sided diskettes are
actually two sided, but the
Page 14
------------------------------- FILE COPYING.
IMPORTANT: Handle Floppy disks This function allows you to
with care, they are easily copy only one file or a few
damaged. Never write on a like named files to a disk. You
floppy disk with a ball point can also use this function to
pen as that can damage the copy all the files on this disk
disk. Keep the disk away from to a different type of disk
magnetic fields such a TV sets, The general format for the
motors, telephones, etc., as copy command is COPY source
the disk may be erased by them. [destination] {ENTER}, where
Also do not put your finger on source and destination are the
the disk area itself and keep source diskette and file name,
cigarettes and food away from and destination is the
your disks. destination diskette or disk
------------------------------- drive and path. Destination is
optional in that if you were
DISK FORMATTING. using the A: drive and wanted
This function initializes a to copy the file MYCHART.TXT
blank disk ready for use by from the B: drive to the A:
your computer. drive you would just type COPY
To format a floppy disk: B:MYCHART.TXT {ENTER} or COPY
At the DOS prompt ("A>" or any B:MYCHART.TXT{ENTER} would be
other letter followed by the equivalent.
'>' mark. Type FORMAT If you wanted to copy all
A:{ENTER}. the files on one diskette to
another you would type COPY
DISK COPYING. A:*.* B:{ENTER}. You could copy
This function will make an all the files with the .EXE
exact copy of a floppy disk extension with COPY A:*.EXE
that you can use as you would B:{ENTER}, etc. You can also
the master. copy all the files beginning
To Copy a Disk. At the with the letter 'A' like this
prompt with the DOS disk in the COPY A:A*.* B:{ENTER}.
drive, type DISKCOPY A: B:
{ENTER}. will work even if you INSTALLING.
only have one floppy disk, as If you are installing ASTRO on
DOS will simulate the use of a floppy disk type system and
two disks by using swapping. don't have a hard disk to
This function will tell you to install ASTRO on, the following
put the source or master into tells you how many disks you
the A: drive and the require. If your computer will
destination into the B: drive. take the higher capacity disks,
If you only have one drive. you I suggest using them.
will swap disks later on in the If you are installing
process. ASTRO on floppy disks, you
should very carefully label the
disks Exactly as the install
program tells you to.
Page 15
DISK SIZE # NEEDED Com-pilers. If You did not
*360kb 5-1/4" 5 receive a disk marked "Text
720kb 3-1/2" 3 Source and Compilers", don't
1.2mb 5-1/4" 1 answer Yes. This is an optional
1.44mb 3-1/2" 1 item and is not required. You
You will want to backup can purchase this later to
both the original Master Disks customize the text and install
and your copies particularly if it separately.
you are using Floppy Disks. The install program will
If you had the shareware ask you if you want to install
version of ASTRO, or an earlier the Extended Database. There
version of ASTRO on that disk are two databases supplied with
or directory delete the setup ASTRO. One is 200 locations and
data files by typing ERASE another is 1200 locations. If
ASTRO*.DAT {ENTER}. you only have 360k floppies,
Insert the disk Marked don't answer yes.
"ASTRO Main Program Disk" Into If you already have a copy
your disk drive. of ASTRO installed and you want
If you inserted the disk to install this copy of ASTRO
into your A: Drive you can over that copy the install
either log onto that drive by program will ask you if you
typing A:, and then typing want to overwrite several
INSTALL{ENTER}, and following files. If you have made
the instructions. You can also additions to these files and
type A:INSTALL{ENTER}. you haven't backed these files
If you inserted the disk up, you should not answer yes.
into your B: Drive you can If you have chosen to install
either log onto that drive by the Extended Database, this
typing B:, and then typing process will occur twice as
INSTALL{ENTER}, and following ASTRO installs the small
the instructions. You can also database system first and
type B:INSTALL{ENTER}. overwrites it with the Extended
The install program will Database.
ask you what type of system you The install program will
want to install it on. This ask you if you want to install
refers to the number of disk the Documentation. This is a
drives you want to install disk version of this manual.
ASTRO on. If you are installing -------------------------------
ASTRO on a system with a hard NOTE: If another company's
disk, choose 4. You will also install program starts up it is
have to choose between two usally because you don't have
different installation the right disk in the drive you
approaches. The First, Install specified when you type
in One Directory is simpler and install, or you haven't logged
is suggested. onto the drive before typing
The install program will INSTALL.
also ask you if you want to -------------------------------
install the Text Source and
Page 16
At the end of the install DISK CONFIGURATION.
program, you will be asked to If ASTRO finds your current
check your CONFIG.SYS file for disk is a High density disk
FILES= and BUFFERS=. This is then ASTRO will set you up for
not an error. Nothing is wrong. one floppy disk operation that
This is just a reminder to will not require swapping.
check. If you don't understand If ASTRO finds 3-1/2" 720k
this, check with the person who floppies it will setup two
installed your system, or disks that may not require disk
consult a computer book. swapping. Otherwise it you are
using floppies ASTRO will set
VIDEO ADAPTER/MONITOR AND COLOR you up to use two 360k floppies
CONFIGURATION. that will need to be swapped to
When ASTRO starts up it get access to all the files
automatically configures itself needed. Because of the complex
for the type of video adapter swapping needed ASTRO shouldn't
and mon-itor configuration that be run on a single 360k floppy
you are using and sets the drive system.
screen colors to appropriate If You are using a hard
default values. disk, ASTRO will look for
ASTRO automatically sets itself, first in the current
itself up to use a fast RAM directory, then following the
video driver that updates the DOS path variable. If it can't
screen in the fastest way find itself it will set you up
possible. Some computers will to use the current directory.
not operate properly with this
configuration. For those KEEPING SAVED FILES.
systems, you can change ASTRO If you want to keep reports you
to use BIOS compatible routines have generated, you can store
for its video. them off-line on floppy disks
This can be configured on and copy them back to your User
the command line and using the disk or directory when you need
Setup screen on the Options them. Use the Scan For Files
sub-menu. Default screen colors Not in List to read the files
are assigned for your current into the list once they have
screen configuration though you been copied, or erase the file
can reconfigure the screen ASTFILE.LST from your user disk
colors using the Setup Screen or directory and one will be
accessed using the Options sub- created.
menu. These colors are saved to
the setup file ASTROSYS.DAT.
Page 17
S T A R T I N G U P A S T R O :
You are now ready to start using ASTRO. When you start ASTRO, you
will need to be in the directory and logged into the disk that
the ASTRO.EXE file is stored on, or have the DOS PATH variable
set to that disk and directory. If you are using a hard disk and
ASTRO is in the C:\ASTRO directory, and you are in the C: drive,
you can do this by typing CD \ASTRO.
You would set that BIOS COMPATIBILITY.
directory using the command If you are using a computer
PATH C:\BIN;C:\ASTRO{ENTER}, that is not closely compatible
assuming that your DOS files with the PC-DOS standard for
are stored in the directory video displays (e.g. using
C:\BIN, and ASTRO is stored in standard MDA, Hercules, CGA,
the C:\ASTRO directory. You can EGA, MCGA, VGA or compatible
start ASTRO from the DOS type display), you may have to
command line prompt by typing use the BIOS compatibility
ASTRO {ENTER} and ASTRO start mode. ASTRO will attempt to do
up. quick RAM screen writing, when-
I don't suggest that you ever possible but this may
start up ASTRO using a command cause problems on incompatible
line such as C:\ASTRO\ASTRO systems. If you have difficulty
{ENTER} as ASTRO may not be with your screen, start ASTRO
able to find the setup file with the following command line
(ASTROSYS.DAT) if one existed ASTRO -BIOS {ENTER}.
at this time. If you are in You can also select this
that directory in which case mode from the Setup Screen in
you wouldn't need to restate the Options sub-menu. Once you
the directory by using the full have started ASTRO once in BIOS
path, or if the path variable mode, it will stay in that mode
contains the directory that and will use it whenever it
ASTRO, and the ASTROSYS.DAT is starts up as long as the ASTRO-
in which case you don't need to SYS.DAT file can be found in
use the full path as well. the same directory as the
I suggest typing CD \ASTRO ASTRO.EXE file, or until it is
{ENTER} ASTRO {ENTER} to start changed using the setup screen.
ASTRO assuming astro is in your EMS Memory.
ASTRO directory. Laptop LCD If you have LIM EMS that
Screens. If you are using a you don't wish to use or that
laptop computer that uses and is not working correctly, you
LCD type screen that does not can tell ASTRO to ignore it by
support the normal and bright using the option -NOEMS. If you
attributes, you should start have EMS it will help ASTRO's
ASTRO in LCD mode using the performance. You may need to
-LCD flag. use this if your EMS causes
compatibility problems.
Page 18
Overlays are portions of ASTRO If you wish to view or
which can't all fit into ASTRO customize this information for
at once and are kept on disk. your own unique and special
ASTRO attempts to keep fre- needs use the Setup Screen on
quently used overlays in EMS or the Options sub-menu. If an
XMS memory, that saves accesses ASTROSYS.DAT file is found that
to disk. is configured for a color
You may not be able to use screen and the system is now
this feature if your EMS or running on a monochrome mode or
Extended memory is monochrome adap-ter card, ASTRO
malfunctioning or you are will reconfigure it for mono-
currently using extended memory chrome and adjust the screen
and you are not using XMS. In colors accordingly. The ASTRO-
this case you may get errors SYS.DAT file will then be
from ASTRO when you start it saved.
If for some reason you do FINDING OTHER IMPORTANT FILES.
not wish ASTRO to cache over- When ASTRO starts up, it will
lays in EMS or Extended memory attempt to find the help file
(ASTRO Will only cache overlays ASTROHLP.HLP that is stored
in EMS if there is enough free either on the help disk in a
memory for it's own use first, floppy disk system, or in the
ASTRO's EMS needs take help directory in a hard disk
priority) use the option - system. On a 720k floppy type
NOCACHE. system this will be on the Main
Program Disk. If that file
If the setup information file, display an error message
called ASTROSYS.DAT can't be telling you that you won't have
found (ASTRO searches first in access to the help system.
the current directory then the If you get this error, you
directories pointed to by the should check as to where the
DOS PATH variable), ASTRO will help files were saved and make
create it, intelligently sure the setup screen in the
setting up for your system as options directory is set
it is best able to do from the properly.
hardware it finds. For example if you had
ASTRO looks for sub- created a multi-directory setup
directories called HELP, USER, with the install program and
DB and DATA when creating the called the help directory
initial setup and uses them C:\ASTRO\HLP, you would need to
when possible. If it does not update the setup screen to
find these subdirectories, the this.
setup defaults to the basic
directory and you will have to
setup ASTRO.
Page 19
When ASTRO is creating its You may also load a mouse
default setup, ASTRO looks for driver by loading a program,
a directory called HELP other- called MOUSE.COM, (or your
wise it sets it to be the same mouse driver's name) either
as the main directory. before you start ASTRO or in
ASTRO will next attempt to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file on your
read the list of compiled chart startup disk in your main or
files on disk into memory. This root directory.
file is a list of all the files USING HERCULES GRAPHICS
created the last session. This ADAPTERS.
file is called ASTFILE.LST and If you plan to display graphics
is stored on the data disk in a using A Hercules type graphics
floppy type system or in the adapter or compatible graphics
user directory in a hard disk board, you will need to start
type system. If this file can't the program MSHERC.COM before
be found it is assumed to have starting ASTRO. To start this
been erased by ASTRO, or never program type MSHERC {ENTER}.
existed before. Then start ASTRO.
ASTRO then reads the file I suggest putting the
ASTRODAT .HIS (if it exists). command to start MSHERC either
This is the History file, data in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file or
that was in the Enter/Edit create a batch file to start
screens at the time that ASTRO MSHERC and then ASTRO. The
quit last. Then ASTRO reads the batch file I suggest is:
exists). This is the default ECHO OFF
data. This is loaded every time MSHERC
ASTRO starts up. If you want ASTRO
certain chart information ECHO ON
loaded every time ASTRO starts {F6} (^Z appears on the screen)
up save that information to the Then you would type AS{ENTER}
file ASTRODAT .DEF, using the to start ASTRO.
Save Data To Disk function.
If You wish mouse support, your
mouse driver must be loaded
when you start ASTRO. You may
do this using a file called
MOUSE.SYS (or your mouse
driver's name) that must be in
your CONFIG.SYS with a line
that reads DEVICE= MOUSE.SYS.
Page 20
If you are using a computer ECHO OFF
with a 8087, 80287, or 80387 SET NO87=1
chip in it and do not wish to ASTRO
use it perhaps because of ECHO ON
malfunction or other problem {F6} (^Z appears on the screen)
you should set the following Then you would type AS{ENTER}
option before starting up. At to start ASTRO. If you have a
the dos command line type SET math coprocessor and ASTRO
NO87=1 {ENTER}. I suggest freezes while compiling a
putting this and starting ASTRO chart, this may solve your
in a batch file if this is a problem.
problem by typing:
Page 21
U S I N G S C R E E N S & M E N U S :
The user interface of a program basically deals with the screens
and menus that you deal with as you use ASTRO.
ASTRO features an easy-to-use intuitive user interface. All
the menus are structured in a logical way and should be easy to
follow. ASTRO works similarly to other programs used on the IBM
PC and a person with even some experience using a computer should
find it relatively simple to use.
This version of ASTRO features support for mice, Mouse
Systems, Microsoft and all compatible mice.
I M P O R T A N T I N F O R M A T I O N .
Should you have any trouble at any time with this program, there
are several things you should remember.
In any menu or data screen, you can get help by pressing the
{F1} key on your keyboard. The {F1} key is found at the top left
of the keyboard on most keyboards.
You can back out of any screen or series of screens by
pressing the {ESC} or Escape key. The {ESC} key is found at the
right side of usual 84 key keyboard to the left of the "NUM LOCK"
key and to the right of the {BACKSPACE} or {<-} key. On 101 key
keyboards the {ESC} key is usually found at the top left of the
keyboard. Pressing this key will get you back to the main menu.
If you are in a data screen, you can use the cursor keys
({UP}, {DOWN}, {TAB}, {SHIFT} + {TAB}, and {ENTER}) to move
through the fields on a screen. When you want to complete that
screen and continue, you have several approaches.
If you want to get back to the menu system press the {ESC}
key. This cancels your earlier choice. If you ready to continue,
either press the {F10} key, or press the {ENTER} key on the last
field on the screen. You can at any time print the screen to the
standard printer by pressing the {PRINT SCREEN} key on your
If you are in a field that asks for a Yes/No choice,
pressing the word space key will toggle that choice, or pressing
Y or N can select one choice or the other.
If you are in a field that accepts multiple choices. Press
the word space key and you will see a list of choices presented
on the screen. You can move the cursor to the correct choice and
accept that choice by pressing {ENTER} or {ESCAPE} to keep the
choice you had before using the list.
Page 22
MOUSE SUPPORT. validates the data in the
If You are using a mouse, you screen and does final
will see a mouse cursor on the calculations.
screen. This is a rectangular
block, that will appear in the MOVING TO A FIELD..
opposite of whatever the As long as you are in a spe-
screen's color is. If You move cific screen, you can move to
the mouse, you will see it move any other field in a screen by
around the screen. moving the mouse cursor to a
I am assuming that your field and pressing the Left
mouse has at least two buttons Mouse Cursor on that field. The
on it. If you have more than Highlight will move to that
two buttons such as Mouse screen.
Systems, Genius, and Some other
mice do, you can ignore the USING A MOUSE IN A MENU.
center button. ASTRO will use If You are in a menu screen,
the left button and the right you can move to a choice by
button. pressing the Left Mouse Button.
You must have a mouse Once you are on that choice and
driver loaded before starting the choice is highlighted, you
astro, see information in the can choose a choice by pressing
previous section for more the Left Mouse button. If You
information on this. are not on a choice, you can
------------------------------- move the choice around by
NOTE: Do not use a mouse menu pressing the Left Button down
program. This is unnecessary as and moving the mouse. The
ASTRO has full mouse support, highlighted choice will follow
and may be easier to use. the mouse movement where
------------------------------- possible.
You can exit a screen as though USING A MOUSE IN A YES/NO OR
you had pressed {ESC}, by SELECTION FIELD.
pressing the Right hand mouse In a Yes/No field, you can
button. This records a screen toggle a choice from Yes to No
as incomplete and does not or No to Yes by pressing the
validate and does not do final Left Mouse button on the field.
calculations done when pressing In a Multiple Selection
{F10} or pressing {ENTER} on field, you can press the left
the last line of a screen or on mouse button. This will cause a
a menu. menu of choices to be presented
If You want to exit a on the screen. Then use the
screen as though you had Mouse as you would in a menu
pressed {F10}, you can place screen.
the mouse cursor over any of
the boxes surrounding any USING A MOUSE IN A VIEW SCREEN.
screen, and press the Left Hand If you are in a text view
Mouse button. This records the screen and you can see one of
screen as complete. It the scroll Light arrows at the
Page 23
left side of the screen, corresponds to that selection's
pressing the Left Mouse button first letter. You will notice
on an up-arrow causes the that the highlighted bar moves
screen to page up. Pressing the to the next choice along with
Left Mouse button on a down- the sub-menu revealing that
arrow, causes the screen to main menu selection's sub-menu.
page down. You can scroll the -------------------------------
screen, by pressing the Left NOTE: You need to be aware of
Mouse button down anywhere on the level of the menu that you
the screen but on the borders are on. There are two menu
or arrows and moving the mouse levels. The Top level, and the
up or down. Bottom Level. When you are in
the Top Level, you will need to
THE MAIN MENU SYSTEM. select an entry before being
Once the title screen is able to choose a Bottom Level
cleared you will see the main Entry. Press {ESC} to access
menu screen. This screen is the Top Level Menu.
composed of a horizontal box -------------------------------
with words inside it connected To choose that main menu
to a box beneath. choice and entering the sub-
The horizontal bar is the menu, press the {ENTER}, or the
main menu. The box beneath is {DOWN} cursor key.
the sub-menu. At the bottom of You will notice that the
the screen is a prompt line highlight has moved to the sub-
that is used to remind you of menu. You can only get to a
frequently used keystrokes that sub-menu by selecting a main-
you can use at this time. menu choice. The highlight will
------------------------------- move to the last sub-menu
NOTE: You should also notice choice you used last, making
that the choices on the main repeated choices easier.
menu are arranged primarily in You can select the sub-
a logical progression, i.e. menu choice you wish by using
you will need to "Enter Data" the cursor keys ({UP}, {DOWN},
before you "Compile Chart", {HOME}, {END}), or by pressing
and you will need to "Compile the key corresponding to that
Chart" before you print one, choice. If you want to move to
etc. The exceptions to this another main menu choice and
rule is the "Options" and its corresponding sub-menu, use
"Utility" menu choices. these the left or right cursor keys.
are placed near the end since If you chose to use the
they are used less often than first key method, the system
the others. will automatically accept your
------------------------------- choice and start that oper-
You can select any main ation. Though if you use the
menu topic by either selecting cursor keys you will need to
it using a cursor key ({LEFT}, press the {ENTER} key to select
{RIGHT}, {HOME} or {END}), or your choice and start the
by pressing the key that operation in question. At any
Page 24
point in the main menu and sub- learn some basic information
menu system, you can get help about astrology. This is
by pressing the {F1} key. accessed through the "Utility"
------------------------------- main menu.
As was stated earlier, you can This option allows you to
get help at any time while you select a topic to view and view
are entering or editing data or that information. You will see
you are in a menu system by a menu that you can use to
pressing the {F1} key. This select from a list of topics to
will search the help database view. Select your choice using
for information on that topic the cursor keys ({UP}, {DOWN},
and show it on the screen. {HOME}, and {END}) or press the
The help screen shows you key corresponding to the first
the purpose, and meaning of a character of a choice.
data entry field or menu choice Press the {ENTER} key to
and can give you suggestions as accept that choice and a view
far as its intended use. At the screen is drawn on the screen
bottom of the help screen you showing you information about
will see a one or more this topic. You can scroll
highlighted choice. through this text as you would
The choice that has black with a word processor using the
letters on a gray or white cursor keys ({UP}, {DOWN},
background is usually your {PGUP}, {PGDN}, {HOME} and
"Cursor" (that can be changed {END}). Press {ESC} to exit
however), and indicates the this selection.
choice you have selected.
associated with that choice by This option allows you to
pressing the {ENTER} key. You select a topic and print it out
can move the "Cursor" around to your printer or a file for
using the cursor keys ({UP}, future printing. You will see a
{DOWN}, {LEFT}, {RIGHT}, {HOME} menu on which you can select
and {END}). If you want to go from a list of topics to view.
back to a screen you viewed Select a choice using the
earlier press the {BACKSPACE} cursor keys ({UP}, {DOWN},
or {<-} key on your keyboard. {HOME}, and {END}) or press the
You exit the help system key corresponding to the first
by pressing the {ESC} key, character of a choice.
which returns you to either the Press the {ENTER} key to
main menu or the screen that accept that choice and a print
you were working on. screen is presented.
Leave the first field
ASTRO-HELPER ASTROLOGICAL HELP blank if you want to print out
SYSTEM. to your printer, otherwise type
ASTRO is equipped with a helper the name of the file to save
that the beginner can use to to.
Page 25
Change the width and left You will notice that one
indent fields if you want to. field on the screen is high-
Normally every page but the lighted. This is where the
first has a header, you can cursor is located, but in
though select to put a header certain types of fields the
on the first page also. If you cursor is not visible. If you
are printing to the printer, are using a color display you
you can ignore the last field will notice that the fields on
and just press {F10} to the screen are differentiated
continue. The last field is from the rest of the screen, so
used for printing to files, you can see where the fields
where you might want to create are. If you are using a
one big file on disk to print monochrome monitor, the fields
later. will not be differentiated, but
If you change the values the field the cursor is no will
on this screen your new values be in reverse video.
will be saved to the setup file
for future use, though if you MOVING AROUND
entered a file name it will not You can move from field to
be saved, though a LPT1:, field using the keys ({UP},
LPT2:, LPT3:, COM1:, etc. {DOWN}, {TAB}, {SHIFT} + {TAB},
designation will be saved. and {ENTER}). In addition these
keys can help you navigate your
DATA ENTRY SCREENS. way around a larger screen:
ASTRO uses data entry screens {CNTRL}+{HOME} Left-Most Field
to get information about the {CNTRL}+{END} Right-Most Field
person, or the horoscope you {CNTRL}+{PGUP} First Field
are working on, or other {CNTRL}+{PGDN} Last Field
information. Most of these
screens are consistent in FIELDS.
format and operation. If you are in a field that
accepts a limited range of
Each screen has a title at numeric or character values,
the top left that indicates the such as date and time fields,
type of information that the you won't be allowed to leave
screen is asking for. You will that field till you satisfy
notice at the bottom of the that field's requirements. When
screen a line of text. This is you are in most field types,
a prompt. This will give you you can move around in that
valuable information as to what field using the cursor keys
ASTRO expects in each field, ({LEFT}, {RIGHT}).
and the limits of that data. In insert mode in which
This changes as you move from you will see the 1/2 block
field to field. It also cursor, characters you type are
displays an error if you enter inserted, otherwise they are
the wrong information or your overwritten. You can delete
information is invalid. characters with the {DEL} key
and the {BACKSPACE} or {<-}
Page 26
key, that also could be marked the key corresponding to the
{BS}. first letter of your choice.
There are also fields that Repeated pressing of that
accept a range of answers. key will cycle through all the
First Press the Space Bar. Then possible choices available. If
a list of choices will be shown you see an up arrow or down
on the screen. You can now move arrow at the left side of the
the highlite with the cursor screen then you can scroll
keys or select one using the through the list. These are
first letter. Use the Enter Key called "Scroll Lights". These
to select an entry. indicate if there are any more
In fields that accept a choices off the screen. Press
"Yes" or "No" answer you can the {ENTER} key to select your
select the answer by pressing entry and that data is read
either 'Y', 'N' or the space from the database.
bar (caps or lower case). In the case of the
location fields, the data will
DATABASE FIELDS. only be read from the database
In the "Info" type of field once you have used the popup
such as "Birth Info", several screen on the location field
fields have databases attached. itself. The location fields are
The first field (Person's Name) "Hierarchal" meaning that first
has a database of birth dates you select a country, then you
attached to that field. will see all the states or
Through that database, you regions available from that
can save the entire contents of country, and after you select
this screen, by name, for that state or region, you can
whoever you wish to enter. The see all the locations in that
birth location (Country, State region.
of Region and Location) fields -------------------------------
also have a database attached NOTE: In order for a name or
to them, this only one having location to be in the popup
the location related data such screen, it must be first added
as longitude, latitude, and to the database, using the
time zone. You can instantly database menus and the "Make
access these database by using Popup" function from the
the 'Popup Screen'. "Utility" menu must have been
run to update the popup list.
POPUP SCREEN. If an entry has not been
Where a popup screen is added to the popup list, you
available (see the prompt at can still make use of that
the bottom of the screen for record in the database by
availability), you can press entering the name in the proper
the {F2} key to call it up. You field and calling the proper
can select an entry from this database menu. When you receive
list by using the cursor keys ASTRO, default popup files have
({UP}, {DOWN}, {PGDN}, {PGUP}, already been created for you.
{HOME}, {END}), or by pressing -------------------------------
Page 27
FINDING INFORMATION IN THE -------------------------------
DATABASE. To access the birth
When the database finds database, either press the {F3}
information it ignores case, so key or press {ALT} + B. This
you can type the name ALL CAPS database uses the person's name
or all lower case or anything field as the key to the data-
in between and you will have no base. A key is used to find the
trouble finding the data you information you want.
want. To access the location
You can also find partial database, either press the {F4}
data in the database by key or press {ALT}+L. This
entering just part of it. If database uses a combined key
you were looking for a person's made up of the country, state
birth-data and didn't quite and location fields.
remember the spelling of their -------------------------------
last name you could enter what NOTE: Serious users will want
you remembered of the last to consult a serious reference
name. Suppose you had "John such as The American Atlas or
MacNeil" in your database and The International Atlas
wanted to find his data you published by ACS Publications
could enter "John", "John M", of San Diego, CA, for exact
or "John Mac" and might find birth location and applicable
the information depending on time zone data.
how many other entries were in -------------------------------
the database that were similar. LEAVING/FINISHING A SCREEN.
------------------------------- At some point you will want to
NOTE: These databases do not either escape from a screen or
allow more than one identical finish and continue. If you
entry with the same key field. want to escape from the screen
------------------------------- that you are working with,
DATABASE MENUS. press the {ESC} or the escape
The databases have menus that key on your keyboard.
you can use to access, infor- -------------------------------
mation, add records, update NOTE: If you press {ESC} in one
records, and delete records. of the birth or date data
There is a database menu for related screens, you will have
the birth database and there is to complete that screen before
a menu for the location ASTRO will allow you to compile
database. that chart. When you want to
------------------------------- complete a screen and continue,
NOTE: These databases have no you have several approaches.
connection to the file list Either press the {F10} key, or
that files that you compile press the {ENTER} key on the
turn up in. In order for last field on the screen.
information to be added to -------------------------------
these databased, you must add Pressing {F10} or pressing
them to the databases and run {ENTER} on the last field
the Make Popups utility signifies to ASTRO that the
Page 28
screen is complete. That tells List Entry choice in the
ASTRO that your data is Utility Menu. You use this
accurate and ready to go. If screen to select a chart to
you have just completed a date display. This operates like a
data screen, ASTRO will check menu and you can use the normal
the data that you have entered cursor keys to move around this
to verify that the date and screen. You will note that the
time you have entered are prompt displays in long form
valid. It will look to see if the type of file the cursor is
you have entered a valid date, currently on. If you see the
checking for a date such as "Scroll Lights" then there are
2/30/1980 which would be more entries than this screen
illegal since February never can show at once, and you can
has a 30th. It also knows about scroll through them.
leap years and can determine if You can also access a
the year given is a leap year choice using the first char-
or not. If your data is acter of the entry. Repeated
incorrect, ASTRO will give you pressing that character cycles
a warning message, and will put you through all the possible
you back at the first illegal choices available. Select a
entry in the date screen. choice by pressing the {ENTER}
This screen will show you all TEXT VIEW SCREEN.
the files that you have created This type of screen allows you
this session or have kept from to view text as though you had
a previous session. It contains it in a word processing
the person's name that you program, though you can't edit
assigned to it, contents and this text. You can scroll
type of chart created. This through this text using the
information prints in the cursor keys ({UP}, {DOWN},
headers on printouts, but is {PGUP}, and {PGDN}) keys. You
mainly for your information to can instantly reach the end of
help you keep track of all your the file by pressing the
files. Having these files handy {CNTRL}+ {PGDN} keys or reach
are useful for you so that you the beginning by pressing the
can see other people with {CNTRL}+ {PGUP} keys. Exit this
similar charts and make screen by pressing the {ESC}
comparisons. key.
You can edit any of these
entries using the Edit File
Page 29
This is a quick step-by-step guide to how to produce the charts
that ASTRO is capable of producing.
HOW TO DO A BIRTH (NATAL) Now repeat the first two
CHART. steps using the Compatibility
Choose the Enter/Edit Main Information Screen and the Com-
Menu. Choose the menu choice patibility Birth Rectification
"Birth Info". Fill in the Screen for the second person.
information on the screen. Use Move over to the Compile
the Location or birth database, Menu. Choose "Compatibility",
see below for information, when or choose "Composite" Fill in
finished, press {F10} to the information about the
Complete. chart.
Choose the menu choice
"Birth *Rectification". If you HOW TO DO TRANSITS CHARTS.
know the person's birth, answer For example we want to know how
"Yes" to the First Question, the coming week will be for us.
then press {F10}. the rest of Choose the Enter/Edit Main
the information on this screen Menu. Choose the menu choice
is applicable only if you don't "Birth Info". Fill in the
know the birth time. information on the screen. Use
Move over to the Compile the Location or birth database,
Menu. Choose one of the charts. see below for information, when
For Example, choose "Birth finished, press {F10} to
Signs, Houses & Aspects." Fill Complete.
in the information about the Choose the menu choice
chart "Birth Rectification". If you
How To Do A Compatibility or know the person's birth, answer
Composite Chart. "Yes" to the First Question,
Choose the Enter/Edit Main then press {F10}. the rest of
Menu. Choose the menu choice the information on this screen
"Birth Info". Fill in the is applicable only if you don't
information on the screen about know the birth time.
the first person. Use the Loca- Choose the menu choice
tion or birth database, see "Transits Info". Fill in the
below for information, when information about the first
finished, press {F10} to date you wish to analyze. Rough
Complete. location and time of day help
Choose the menu choice to localize the chart and make
"Birth Rectification". If you it more exact. For this example
know the first person's birth, we enter Monday's date and our
answer "Yes" to the First present location.
Question, then press {F10}. the Choose the menu choice
rest of the information on this "Transits Data". Fill in the
screen is applicable only if number of charts to do. For
you don't know the birth time. this example we want to do 7
Page 30
charts, one for each day of When in the Birth Info, Compat-
this week. Choose the Starting ibility Info, Transits Info
Planet to include. I suggest screen, or Relocation Data
the Sun. Choose the Ending screen, move to the Country
Planet to include, since the field. Press {F2}. Select a
outer planets don't move very Country. Press {ENTER}. Press
often, don't include them. I {F2}. Select a State or Region
suggest using Venus or Mars as (all the states or regions on
the ending planet. Enter the file within the country are
period between charts. In this shown).Press {F2}. Select a
example, we would enter 0 Location (all the locations
months and 1 day, which will do within the State or region
7 charts each one day apart. within the selected country are
Move over to the Compile shown). All the information
Menu. Choose "Transits." Fill about the country will be
in the information about the filled in.
When in the Birth Info, Compatibility Info, Transits
Compatibility Info or Transits Info screen, or Relocation Data
Info screen, and on the "Name" screen, fill in the infor-
field, Press {F2} and select. mation for the location. Press
How to Add A Person's Birth {F4}. A Menu will appear.
Information to the database. Select "Add". Once complete, go
When in the Birth Info, Com- to the Utilities menu and pick
patibility Info or Transits "Make Popups"
Info screen, fill in the infor-
mation in the birth screen. HOW TO GET INFORMATION FROM AN
Press {F3}. A Menu will appear. EARLIER COMPILED CHART.
Select "Add". Once complete, go Go to the Utilities Menu.
to the Utilities menu and pick Choose "Read File into Birth
"Make Popups" Data". The information will be
put back into the screens that
HOW TO GET A LOCATION FROM THE the information came from
Page 31
E N T E R I N G & E D I T I N G D A T A :
You will use the main menu option "ENTER/ EDIT DATA" to enter
information on the dates in question and other data for transits,
progressions, returns, etc. Most of the questions asked and
information you will need to enter is pretty self-explanatory,
you can get information for each field by pressing {F1} or from
the prompt at the bottom of the screen. This is how to use these
BIRTH INFO. NOTE: Beware entering times
Use this screen to enter the around Noon and Midnight!
main birth data needed for Serious users will want to
doing a birth or Natal consult a serious reference
horoscope. Enter the data on such as The American Atlas or
this screen that indicates The International Atlas
person, birth date and time, published by ACS Publications
place and geographic latitude of San Diego, CA, for exact
and longitude as well as time birth location and applicable
zone and adjustment. time zone data.
This field has two -------------------------------
powerful databases attached to Use the Time Zone field to
the Name, Country, State or set the proper time zone for
Region, and Location fields. If the person in question. Try to
you press {F2} you will call up be certain as possible because
a list of available choices in this is crucial and some
the database. If you wish to locations differed from one
add information to the data- year to another, and in some
bases, fill in the information locations, time zones change
on the screen and press {F3} between town and county lines.
for the birth database menu and If You don't know the time zone
{F4} for the location database but do know the offset from GMT
menu. You can use these menu to select Other.
add, delete and replace Use the Special Code Field
information in the databases. to set the proper special time
In order for the lists that you code field. Try to be certain
see when you press {F2} to be as daylight time changes from
updated, you need to run "Make year to year, and is different
Popups" in the Utility Menu. between towns, counties and
It is important to know as states. If You don't know this
much information about the zone but you know how the time
person who you are going to is affected, choose Other.
analyze as far as birth time, If you did not select
date and place of birth as well Other in the Time Zone and
as the prevailing time zones Special Code fields, the GMT
being used at the time. field will be filled in for
------------------------------- you. You won't be able to
override this field unless you
Page 32
had set the other two fields to
Other. The adjustment for War
Time, Daylight Savings Time,
etc. is added to the basic
GMT offset. Locations West of
Greenwich are have positive GMT
offsets, East, negative GMT
Page 33
------------------------------- Use this screen to enter
NOTE: Enter only the normal the date for your transits
clock offset from GMT, such as computation. This operation
Eastern Standard time is 5 uses your the birth info and
hours from GMT. ASTRO makes the this screen to do the transits
minor fine adjustments to GMT along with the next screen.
for you. Enter the data on this screen
------------------------------- that indicates place, date and
MOUSE USERS.When the time, place and geographic
highlighted field is the Name latitude and longitude as well
field, the Country field, State as time zone and adjustment.
or Region field, or the Loca- The information entered into
tion field and the mouse cursor this screen does not need to be
is on that field. Pressing the as exact as for the above
Left Mouse button will bring up screens.
the scrolling list as though See the Birth Info screen
you had pressed {F2}. for more information on this
COMPATIBILITY INFO. -------------------------------
Use this screen to enter the NOTE: This screen indicates a
data for your partner. The starting point for a series of
compatibility operation uses transits. ASTRO calculates
the birth info screen as well transits as a series of charts,
as this screen to get the a certain period apart.
information needed to do your ------------------------------
compatibility chart. Enter the TRANSITS DATA.
data on this screen that This screen is used with the
indicates person, birth date "Transits Info" screen and the
and time, place and geographic Birth Info screen to do
latitude and longitude as well transits chart. This screen
as time zone and adjustment. It allows the program to calculate
is important to know as much a series of transit charts at
information about the person one time for a specific period
who you are going to analyze as of time and a specific interval
far as birth time, date and period. This will allow ASTRO
place of birth as well as the to work with only a specific
prevailing time zones being range of planets.
used at the time. See the Birth If you are doing transits
Info Screen for more one day apart, you will want to
information. narrow your planet selection to
Sun - Mars. If you are doing
TRANSITS INFO. transits one week apart, you
Transits compares the planet will want your planet range to
positions for a series of be Sun - Mars and you will want
future dates to your birth to more or less ignore the Moon
planet positions, and tells you as the moon makes significant
about the events at hand. changes every day. The outer
planets change houses and
Page 34
change transiting aspects much You can choose Flat Chart
more slowly. which sets your Ascendant and
first house cusp to be 0
BIRTH RECTIFICATION. degrees Aries. You can also try
Use this screen if you do not Sunrise Birth time, and enter
know the exact birth time of the best guess of the
the person you are using for appropriate sunrise time. This
primary birth data. Enter what is similar to Trial and Error.
you do know, or select how to This frequently works since
calculate the chart to get the many people are born near
best results, even though you sunrise.
don't have the exact NOTE: If you are using Flat
information. If you know the Chart or Solar Chart, you
exact birth time you don't need should use 12:00 AM for the
this chart, so answer Yes and Trial Birth time.
exit the screen by pressing
If You don't know the RECTIFICATION.
exact birth time, you have If you do not know the exact
several different choices. You birth time of the person you
can choose Trial and error, are using for compatibility
which means you try a given birth data, use this screen to
time and see how it fits the enter what you do know or how
individual and you try it again to calculate the chart to get
till you get what you want. the best results even though
You can choose Solar Chart you don't have the exact
which sets your Ascendant and information. See the above
first house cusp to be the same material for more information.
as your sun sign.
Page 35
C O M P I L I N G C H A R T S :
Now that you have entered your data into the data screens, you
are ready to compile a horoscope. With exception of the first
choice, (Default Chart) they are grouped from simpler to more
difficult in terms of data. The later charts produce more data
and more text (with exception of the Compatibility, Transits, and
Progressions, Returns, Relocations or Composite options). The
simpler ones may be better for a person with less experience in
understanding astrology, though with some practice and learning,
most of the information on the charts will be useful.
The Progressions, Returns, were options in the previous
Relocations, and Composite mode are now standard in the
charts may be more useful for next mode.
users who have more astro-
logical background. DEFAULT CHART.
Certain aspects of these This mode produces a chart that
charts will be based on the directly reflects the contents
Options screens in the Options of the options data. The chart
sub-menu. There is an option that this mode produces is a
screen for each of the major rather complete one, and is
chart types, though most of the suggested that it be used only
information will be adequate for advanced astrologers. You
without changing the data in can customize this mode by
these screens. changing the options screen.
With all these options, The most powerful aspect of
you will be asked to fill in this mode is that you can
information to mark the file practically create a custom
entry with for this chart. This horoscope setup as your default
information will help you treatment and use it as a
identify this chart in the file default all the time if you
listing. You may edit or change wish.
this information as you wish, -------------------------------
with exception for the type NOTE: For this type of chart,
field which is for your you need to fill in the Birth
information only, and not to be Info Screen and the Birth
changed. Rectification Screen.
Once you have compiled a -------------------------------
chart you can change the name
and comment lines as well. This BIRTH SIGNS ONLY.
information will help you keep This is the least complex mode
track of what you have on file. available. It provides only
You will notice that in information on the individual
most of these modes each mode planets locations in the zodiac
add one or more options to it. at a given point in time, along
One or more of the items which with descriptive text about
Page 36
them (this can be turned off -------------------------------
from the options screen). You NOTE: For this type of chart,
will also find a summary which you need to fill in Both the
you can turn off from the Birth Info Screen and the Birth
options screen also. Rectification Screen.
------------------------------- -------------------------------
NOTE: For this type of chart,
you need to fill in the Birth COMPLETE CHART.
Info Screen and the Birth This mode adds the miscel-
Rectification Screen. laneous calculations that are
------------------------------- optional in the last section.
In this selection, if midpoints
BIRTH SIGNS & HOUSES. are activated using the options
This mode provides all the screen, they will be used. Note
information as does the previ- no text is generated for the
ous one does, but adds the midpoints and midpoint aspects.
house information. This pro- -------------------------------
vides the houses that each NOTE: For this type of chart,
planet falls, and descriptive you need to fill in Both the
text about each one. This also Birth Info Screen and the Birth
provides the coordinates of Rectification Screen.
each house cusp for your infor- -------------------------------
mation. Also provided is in-
formation on which signs the COMPATIBILITY CHART.
various house cusps fall in, This mode calculates a compati-
and text describing what each bility chart.
means to you. The compatibility chart
------------------------------- is calculated from the compar-
NOTE: For this type of chart, ison of two full charts. Basi-
you need to fill in Both the cally this mode calculates
Birth Info Screen and the Birth aspects between the two charts,
Rectification Screen. and which house of one partner,
------------------------------- the other's planets are located
in, and vice versa.
BIRTH SIGNS, HOUSES & ASPECTS. It also calculates a
Use this mode if you want to special summary comparing the
add aspects to your chart. This two individuals based on the
will produce aspects between summary. As with all the other
all major points and produce modes, ASTRO produces text
text about each. You can also describing the influences of
add other miscellaneous calcu- all the information described.
lations into this type of
printout from the options
screen. This information is on
top of all the information
provided by the other two
Page 37
------------------------------- interval between that date and
NOTE: For this type of chart, the next date. The dates and
you need to fill in the Birth times in the Transit Info
Info Screen and the Birth screen don't have to be as
Rectification Screen for the exact as the birth screens
main subject and Compatibility require, and time and exact
Info Screen and Compatibility latitude and longitude are
Rectification Screen for the optional, but they do help
subject's partner. refine the data.
------------------------------- -------------------------------
NOTE: For this type of chart,
TRANSITS CHART. you need to fill in the Birth
This mode calculates a series Info Screen and the Birth
of transit charts. The transit Rectification Screen for the
charts are calculated from the subject along With the Transits
comparison of a birth chart and Info Screen for the first date
a transit chart. ASTRO calcu- and Transits Data Screen.
lates a series of charts based -------------------------------
on a starting date and a date
Page 38
V I E W I N G & P R I N T I N G T H E R E S U L T S :
ASTRO has several different ways of printing or viewing the
results which are available through the "VIEW/PRINT" main menu
selection. All of these procedures rely on the file list that was
described in the User Interface section. The file list is a list
of files created by ASTRO in this session or kept from another
session. This can be erased when ASTRO ends or can be saved.
Every time you compile a chart a new file is added to this list.
This list is limited only by disk space, and memory, and
available space on disk to keep the reports until they are
VIEWING CHART. NOTE: This function can only
This selection allows you to display a file with a maximum
view a chart in text form on expanded size of 65,530 bytes.
your computer display monitor. If a file is too long the file
To use this selection, pick the will be clipped to 65,530 bytes
file you want to from the file in length. Some midpoint with
list and press the {ENTER} key aspects displays may cause
to view that choice. problems with this limitation.
ASTRO will then read that Note that this limitation is
file into memory and decompress also dependent on your system's
it (ASTRO charts are stored in available memory. If you don't
a special compressed format to have 128k bytes left when you
save space on disk). want to display a large chart,
The text is wrapped to the you will get an Out-of-Memory
width of the display box and error. You are limited to
displayed. Text is displayed displaying a file that
with attributes similar to how (expanded) takes up 1/2 your
they would be printed on a available free memory or 65,530
printer. bytes whichever comes first.
This function allows you Mouse Users. You can scroll
to view the text as though you this screen by pressing down
were using a word processing the Left Mouse button and
program, though you can't edit moving the mouse up to scroll
this text. You can scroll up and down to scroll down. If
through this text using the you wish to page up and down
cursor keys ({UP}, {DOWN}, through the file, you can do
{PGUP}, and {PGDN}) keys. You this by positioning the mouse
can instantly reach the end of cursor over the Scroll Light
the file by pressing the Arrows at the left of the
{CNTRL}+{PGDN} keys or reach screen and pressing the Left
the beginning by pressing the Mouse button. The up pointing
{CNTRL}+{PGUP} keys. Exit this arrow causes a page up and the
screen by pressing the {ESC} down pointing arrow causes a
key. page down to happen.
Page 39
------------------------------- output at the start of the
PRINT REPORT. printout to initialize the
This selection lets you print printer for such options as
out the text report to your print quality, page depth, and
printer or to a disk file for font, line spacing and other
later printing. ASTRO formats important data.
the text for output, giving you Also defined in the Setup
a variable left margin (that screen is the page depth. this
you can set) and wraps the text is the maximum number of text
to whatever width you like. A lines that can be printed on
header is printed from the file one page. Usually you take the
list information on every page maximum printable lines on the
but the first. paper and subtract five lines
You should setup your for the top of the top and
printer in the Printer Setup bottom margin.
Screen before choosing this To use this selection,
option. pick the file from the file
If you want the header list that you want to printout.
printer on the first page, you Press the {ENTER} key to print
can select that option on the the file. You will see a screen
print screen. The output is asking you for information on
printed Using text attributes how you want the report
such as underline and bold printed.
(double-strike) etc, and is If you want to print the
directly compatible with Epson file to your main default
and IBM Printers, or HP printer, just leave the first
LaserJet or DeskJet but is field blank. The output will be
configurable for any type directed to your system's
printer. current default printer. If you
If you are using a HP wanted to print to your second
LaserJet or DeskJet Printer or printer or LPT2:, you would
compatible ASTRO can take enter LPT2. You can enter any
advantage of many cartridge or valid DOS device currently
internal fonts you own. used.
The pages are You can also direct the
intelligently broken. If a printout to a disk file. To
paragraph would spill over onto direct it to a disk file or
a new page then the entire device, enter the file or
paragraph is printed on the new device name. If you just enter
page, making the printout the disk file without the
easier to follow. The resulting directory, the file will be
printout can be printed to any saved to the user directory. If
legal DOS device. You can also you enter the full file name
print to a file for later starting with the disk name or
printing. the initial '\' root path, the
In the Printer Setup file will be directed to that
screen you can define a printer directory and file name. If you
control string which will be entered a device name such as
Page 40
LPT2:, you would not enter the saved to the setup file for
colon at the end. future use, though if you
You can select whatever entered a file name it will not
text width and left margin you be saved, though a LPT1:,
want to. The text width field lPT2:, LPT3:, COM1:, etc.
can range from 40 to 160 designation will be saved.
columns wide. This is just the
text width, not including the CONVERT REPORT TO TEXT.
left or right margin. The left This selection allows you to
margin can vary from zero to 40 convert an ASTRO file to many
columns wide. different types files that most
------------------------------- any text editor or word
NOTE: The Left Margin and Text processing program can operate
Width (for proportional spacing on. This will allow you to edit
fonts such as are used on the the converted file and make
HP LaserJet, refer to a 10 whatever changes you wish to
character per inch column. before printing or whatever you
------------------------------- wish to use it for.
Normally ASTRO prints a You can convert a file to
header on every page but the either ASCII, WordStar 3.x or
first. Most of the information 4.x, WordPerfect 4.x or 5.x,
that the header reflects is XYWrite, or if you are using
printed on the first page the Deluxe version, Microsoft
anyway. You can change this to Word RTF (Rich Text) format.
print the header to the first ASCII and XYWrite files can
page if you want. also be saved without any soft
If you are printing to the line breaks you can rebreak the
printer, you can ignore the file easier when you read it
last field on the screen, and into your word processor, since
just press the {ENTER} key on soft and hard line breaks are
the last field or {F10} to the same. These files are saved
print the file. If you are with all attributes intact.
printing to a disk file the -------------------------------
last field is important. ASTRO NOTE: Files saved in
will either append this WordPerfect format will not
printout to an existing file or have their column width, left
open a new file with this name. margin, printer, default font,
If this file already exists and or other document or default
the file is opened, then the specific information saved to
existing file is overwritten. the file. These will be written
Select either choice and to the file when you save it
continue. from WordPerfect.
You can press the {ESC} Files saved in WordStar
key at any time while the format will not have any font
printout is being printed, and or printer setup information
the printout will stop. Note if encoded in them. They will be
you change the values on this formatted as though for a
screen your new values will be default dot matrix printer.
Page 41
This will be saved to the file graphics display. To use this
when you save from WordStar. function, you will select a
Files saved in XYWrite file from a file screen, as you
format have no printer, font, would if you want to view a
or setup information encoded in file or print out a file.
them. You may need to read a When you view a graphics
Insert a file into your default cartwheel for a compatibility,
document to use it in XYWRITE. transits or progression, The
------------------------------- first
The files saved using this person's chart will be seen in
function are entirely the outer circle, and the
unformatted without page breaks second person or date will be
or headers. This file is though seen in the inner circle.
wrapped to whatever text width You can exit the graphics
you wish, and has a left by pressing {ESC}. If you press
margin, making it easier for any other key you will select a
your word processing program to menu from which you can chose
work with. options.
If you are converting to Use the "Setup Graphic
ASCII, The Text Attributes are Display" screen to configure
translated into strings that and customize the appearance of
your can change from the "Word this graphics screen.
Processing Conversion Screen".
This function operates PRINT GRAPHICS CARTWHEEL.
almost exactly like the Print This is similar to the previous
Report function with a few choice, though this one goes
minor exceptions. The first directly from drawing the
being that you will need to screen to printing it out on
enter a file name in the file your printer. You must have
name field. It won't operate setup your printer in the
without a file name. The second "Setup Graphics Modes & Print-
is that one the printout has ing" screen in order to do
begun, you can't stop it by this.
pressing the {ESC} key. The
conversion takes very little -------------------------------
time so shouldn't pose a NOTE: This option draws the
problem. screen as indicated by the
------------------------------- Information you enter in the
NOTE: If you change the Width, "Setup Graphics Display"
Left Margin or Conversion on screen. You won't have an
his screen your new values will opportunity to change the
be saved to the setup file for screen.
future use. -------------------------------
VIEW GRAPHICS CARTWHEEL. This selection allows you to
This selection will display kill an ASTRO text output file
a graphics cartwheel on a or an ASTRO graphics data file.
Page 42
You would use this function to respond 'Yes', and press
erase files on your disk, so return. If you don't want to
you can have room on your disk delete the file, either respond
for more files, particularly if 'No' or press {ESC} to exit.
you are using floppy disk Note you see the files name.
drives. This is important as
well if you wish to leave files EDIT FILE IN FILE LIST.
standing in your file list when This option will allow you to
you shut down ASTRO, but do not edit the information in the
wish to save all the files. file list, if for example you
To use this function, you forgot to enter a comment and
would select a file from the later wanted to put one in or
file list. ASTRO will show you change the comment. Note that
a description of the file you the file's actual file name is
selected. This screen asks if displayed on the screen as
you want to delete the file. If well.
you want to delete the file,
Page 43
A S T R O U T I L I T I E S :
These are functions and utilities, that you can use to help you
with ASTRO.
VIEW ASTRO-HELPER FILES. you reboot before leaving the
The Astro-Helper files are Birth Info Screens you may need
reference files on disk which to re-index.
you can use to learn basic When you select this
astrological concepts. option, you will see a small
If you select this menu screen asking you which
utility, you will be asked to files to re-index. Choose the
choose a file to view from a index or indexes to reindex,
list of topics. If you choose a and the utility will be called.
topic it will be displayed on If there are duplicate entries
the screen. in your database, you may see
an error, but those can be
PRINT ASTRO-HELPER FILES. ignored, as they won't harm
This allows you to print out your database.
the Astro-Helper files to your
printer. This will allow you to MAKE POPUPS.
print copies of these files to When you add locations to your
give to people you create Location database or Births to
charts for. your birth database, you will
If you select this need to use this function to
utility, you will be asked to add the new records to the
choose a file to print from a popup files. You may also need
list of topics. If you choose a to use this function if you've
topic, you can print the file. had to Re-Index the databases
When you select this
DOS SHELL. option, you will see a small
This function allows you to menu screen asking you which
get access to the DOS command files to make popups for.
line from within ASTRO. Note: Choose the file to Make Popups
you will need enough memory for for, and the utility will be
the program you wish to run and run.
the DOS command interpreter
ASTRO type EXIT {ENTER}. If you have archived files off
to other disks and now wish to
RE-INDEX DATABASES. use them again and have copied
Normally when you are using them to your directory, you can
ASTRO, the database indexes are use this function to add the
continually kept up to date, files to the file list. This
and normally do not need to be function will scan for ASTRO
reindexed. If the index is version 2.25+ file headers in
damaged, erased, or power is all files in the User
shut off to your computer or directory.
Page 44
birth information back into the
READ FILE INTO BIRTH DATA. data screens. Note this func-
This function allows you to tion brings the information
read one of ASTRO's compiled back into the screens that they
files and get the original were earlier associated with.
Page 45
A S T R O G R A P H I C S :
ASTRO produces the graphics cartwheel that is produced by reading
the .GRA file that is produced by ASTRO and displays it on the
Depending on the type of file displayed, ASTRO will either
display one or two concentric circles with the data in question
You can exit the graphics program at any time by pressing
{ESC}. If you press any other key, a menu will be displayed from
which you can select several different options. Press either the
number corresponding to your choice or the number in Parentheses.
Press any other key to clear the menu.
SETTING UP. mode that is setup in the
You can customize the way that startup data file won't work
the graphics screen is dis- properly, ASTRO will adjust
played by using the Graphics itself to use the best possible
Setup Screen, and the Graphics mode available on that adapter/
Options Screen so that if you monitor combination.
want your file displayed a This program will set
certain way all the time, you itself up to print the graphics
can do that. This is essential screen to any EPSON FX/MX or
if you wish to use the Print IBM Proprinter or compatible
Graphics Cartwheel function printer on startup. You can
from the main menu as you will select other printers from the
have no opportunity to fine Graphics Setup screen, includ-
tune the display. ing HP LaserJet, DeskJet and
ASTRO will adapt itself to Compatibles, 9 and 24 pin dot
many different types of gra- matrix printers including color
phics adapters and graphics printers when using a color
modes. ASTRO is compatible with adapter and color mode.If you
CGA, EGA, MCGA, VGA, Hercules move ASTRO from one computer to
graphics adapters and most another, or add a different
compatible adapters. It will graphics adapter to it, or
adapt to the best available upgrade, you may need to erase
graphics mode on that adapter the file ASTROGRA.DAT. this
board, maximizing the capa- file is the setup information.
bility of that adapter. It will Otherwise you won't be able to
also run on the Olivetti setup the graphics for your
graphics boards which are adapter.
supplied with the AT&T PC's, -------------------------------
which are a superset of the NOTE: When you first start up
standard IBM style adapters. ASTRO.EXE on your compute the
It configures itself first time, you will see a
automatically on startup the warning "Can't Find ASTROGRA
first time, and if a graphics .DAT file will Create!", this
Page 46
is just a warning and is normal GRAPHICS ADAPTER SPECIFIC
for this program to do this. DIFFERENCES.
When you start up it will auto- This program is not compatible
matically create this file, and with the ATI EGA Wonder Card
save it for future use. and other non-standard graphic
------------------------------- adapters. It will try to use a
mode which seems to be correct
SCREEN AND PRINTER FONTS. but the display or printing
ASTRO uses special custom won't work.
screen and printer fonts to ASTRO on a CGA or MCGA
provide the glyphs that you can type graphics adapter defaults
use on the screen. It also uses to use the 200 x 640 pixel
custom printer fonts which give Black and White Graphics mode,
you high printer resolution. but you can use 200 x 320 pixel
There are Three sets of screen/ 4-color modes as well. ASTRO
printer fonts, one for each can make use of either of four
type of printer. ASTROEP9 .FON different screen palettes by
is used for changing the information in the
9-pin Epson/IBM compatible Graphics Setup Screen.
printers. ASTRO24P.FON is used I suggest that you use the
for 24-pin Epson/IBM compatible 200 x 640 pixel mode because it
printers, and ASTROHPL.FON is will be easier to view and
used for HP LaserJet, DeskJet read.
and compatible printers. On a EGA type adapter with
If You are using the Lite appropriate type monitor,
Version of ASTRO the install provided you have 256k memory,
program will install One ASTRO will use the 640 x 350
Printer font set and one pixel mode using 16 colors. If
printer driver each time you you only have 64k on an early
set it up. EGA type adapter you will be
------------------------------- able either to use the 320 x
NOTE: These fonts must be (if 200 pixel mode or the 640 x 200
you are using a hard disk) in pixel mode using 16 colors. On
the data directory. See the a VGA ASTRO will use the 480
Setup Screen to determine which pixel x 640 pixel 16 color
is the data directory. mode.
If you are using a floppy
disk drive system, these fonts COLORS.
must be on the same disk drive You can change any of these
as the data files (.TXT and colors using the Graphics Setup
corresponding .NDX files) and screen and a utility described
temp or user files (.GRA and later called PALTEST.EXE,
corresponding .OUT files). You allows you to preview colors.
can though change the location ASTRO makes use of a total of
of this file as well from the 10 different colors, and where
Setup Screen. enough do not exist due to the
------------------------------- system's hardware, the program
will compensate for this by
Page 47
using dashed lines where 5. SHOW/HIDE 0, 30, 60, 90,
applicable. 120... This displays or
hides the displays showing
THE GRAPHICS MENU OPTIONS. the true, total degree
While the graphics display is values around the cartwheel.
on the screen you can change Zero Degrees Cancer corre-
the display by pressing any sponds to 60 degrees, Zero
key. This will call up a Degrees Pisces corresponds
Graphics options menu. This is to 330 degrees. This is
a summary of what happens with Rarely Used.
each option.
1. PRINT SCREEN. This option Natal chart which was
does as it says. It Prints compiled using Compile Natal
the graphics screen to your Chart Signs, Houses and
printer. This works by Aspects or Greater, or you
printing the screen on its compiled a default chart
side in many sections. This with aspects turned on,
improves the resolution. You lines showing the aspects
can press any key to stop will be drawn in the middle
printing. of the screen. These are
useful for seeing the types
2. SHOW/HIDE SIGN NAMES. This of aspects involved.
turns on or off display of
the sign Names around the 7. USE/DON'T USE GLYPHS. This
screen. When glyphs are used switches between the use of
these are displayed as the Classical Astrological
glyphs. This is more useful Glyphs and two and three
for beginners, particularly letter abbreviations for the
if only the signs are signs and planets. The
displayed. glyphs display more neatly
and cleanly, and once you
3. SHOW/HIDE HOUSE NUMBERS. know all the signs, this is
This turns on or off display the way to display charts. A
of the house numbers. These novice can use the abbrevi-
are placed midway between ations until they are com-
each pair of house cusp. fortable and switch over to
This is useful and one of the glyphs.
the more used options. If you are using a CGA
type adapter, the display of
4. SHOW/HIDE HOUSE DEGREES. glyphs is hard to read so
This turns on or off display you may want to use the
of the degrees of each house abbreviations. If you are
cusp. These are placed at using the 200 x 320 pixel
each house cusp. This will mode you will only be able
be useful for most people to use the abbreviations
knowledgeable about since the glyphs are unable
astrology. to display in this mode. You
Page 48
can though select this mode You can print the screen
and print using glyphs. that ASTRO produces to the
printer by selecting it from
8. SHOW/HIDE SIGN LINES. This the menu. You can stop the
option shows or hides the printer at any time by pressing
display of the sign divi- any key.
sions on the screen. If a -------------------------------
novice and you are only NOTE: You will notice while the
displaying the planets in screen is printing, that the
the signs you will want this screen is printed in large
option. chunks. This is normal. This
allows the screen to be printed
9. USE INNER/OUTER HOUSE CUSPS. at the highest resolution your
This option is only used for printer can use. You will also
compatibility, though it hear periodic beeps. This is
might be used for transits. also normal and tells you the
This allows you to switch screen is printing.
which set of house cusps is -------------------------------
being used to draw the house ASTRO is compatible with
cusp lines, place the EPSON, IBM Graphics printers (9
ascendant and generally and 24 pins color and B&W) and
organize where everything any dot matrix printer
falls. compatible with these printers.
ASTRO can also print to a HP
USING ASTRO WITH A HERCULES OR LaserJet, DeskJet or compatible
COMPATIBLE printer. Unless ASTRO is not
TYPE GRAPHICS ADAPTER. compatible with your printer,
If you use ASTRO with a Hercu- do not use GRAPHICS.COM or an
les type graphics adapter, you equivalent program in your
must load the program MSHERC system when you start up ASTRO,
.COM before starting ASTRO. You as it has all the necessary
may not start MSHERC.COM from logic to print the screen to
within the ASTRO DOS shell. the printer for any
Don't use an emulator such as graphics mode.
MGA.EXE or IBMHGC.COM in your ASTRO will always try to
system, the results with MSHERC print out the best and most
will be much higher quality and efficient printout it can but
resolution than either one of the print mode can be changed,
these can produce. dependent though on the
I suggest putting the capabilities of the printer or
commands to start MSHERC and the driver. In the case of the
ASTRO together in a batch file, HP LaserJet and DeskJet, only
call it AST.BAT. Then all you one mode is used (150 dpi).
have to do to start ASTRO is
type AST{ENTER}.
Printing A Graphics Cartwheel
on Your Printer.
Page 49
------------------------------- Graphics Setup Screen and
NOTE: If you are using either a Graphics Options Screen to read
non-standard printer you may about customizing the graphics.
need to setup the printer
strings used by your printer. USING PALTEST.EXE TO DETERMINE
See the Graphics setup screen PALETTE SETTINGS.
for more information. PALTEST.EXE is a utility
These strings are only program which you can use to
applicable for dot matrix play with all the available
printers. color values, palette numbers,
------------------------------- etc for your graphics adapter.
This program will tell you the
USING A SYSTEM WITH TWO DISPLAY information you need to
ADAPTERS. customize ASTRO's graphics from
ASTRO are only designed to the graphics setup screen.
be used with a single graphics To start PALTEST.EXE type
adapter. If you use a system on the DOS command line.
with more than one video board PALTEST {ENTER}. If you are
and monitor, you should set up using a VGA graphics adapter
and use only one of them. This and want to start it in EGA
program must run on the same mode you would type PALTEST -E
video adapter/monitor {ENTER}, This will force it
combination all the time, and into the best EGA mode
the Graphics Setup screen must available. If you are using a
be setup for this adapter VGA, MCGA, or EGA graphics
monitor combination, and astro adapter or equivalent and want
must be using a video mode to start in CGA mode, you would
appropriate for the setup. type
For example if you have a PALTEST {ENTER}, this forces it
monochrome adapter and a VGA, into the CGA 200 x 320 pixel
you must setup ASTRO or run it mode.
on one adapter or the other, Once you have arrived at
and if you wish to switch, the colors that you like write down
graphics setup screen must be the color values so your
erased. remember when you go back to
ASTRO. Once you have finished
MODIFYING THE STARTUP DATA with this program press {ESC}
FILE. to exit the program.
In earlier versions of
ASTRO, the graphics setup file USING CGA MODE. In this mode
could be edited with any editor you will see a display of the
which could edit an ASCII file. current background color and a
This is no longer true, but display of the three available
there is now a screen which foreground colors. To Change
allows you to easier set up the the background color press 'B'
information that you used to be or 'b', this will cycle you
able to edit. See the section through all the available
of this manual under Options, background colors, you will
Page 50
note that in some cases where mode press {BS}, {<-} or the
the foreground colors are the Backspace key on your keyboard.
same as the background colors, Using VGA Mode. This mode
that foreground color won't be allows you to set each color
visible. To see the available used to be any of the 262,144
color selection for the available colors. In this mode
foreground press 'P' or 'p'. In you can basically edit each
CGA mode you can't set each color by changing the Red, Blue
color but you can pick from and Green components of the
several palettes or groups of color.
colors. This command will cycle To Change the Red, press
you through these palettes. 'R' or 'r', this will increase
the red part of the color. To
USING EGA MODE. This mode Change the Blue, press 'B' or
allows you to set each color 'b', this will increase the
used to be any of the 64 Blue part of the color. To
available colors. In this mode change the Green part press 'G'
you can basically edit each or 'g'. In EGA mode each
color by changing the Red, Blue component may have any value
and Green components of the from 0 to 63. If the value of a
color. color component is 63 and you
To Change the Red, press increase it again it will turn
'R' or 'r', this will increase over to 0.
the red part of the color. To Since each component has
Change the Blue, press 'B' or 64 steps in this mode, there is
'b', this will increase the a shortcut in this mode. To
Blue part of the color. To speed up the steps, press the
change the Green part press 'G' '+' key on your keyboard, now
or 'g'. In EGA mode each the steps will be in 10's
component may have 4 different instead of 1's. To go back to
values 0, 21, 42, or 63. If the steps of 1, press '-'.
value of a color component is When you enter this mode
63 and you increase it again it you will start in Background
will turn over to 0. Mode, and you will be making
When you enter this mode changes to the Background
you will start in Background color. Once you have set this
Mode, and you will be making press {ENTER}, and you will
changes to the Background move to Foreground Mode. You
color. Once you have set this will now see a display of
press {ENTER}, and you will shapes and lines so you can see
move to Foreground Mode. You how this color might be used in
will now see a display of contrast with the background
shapes and lines so you can see color. If at any time you want
how this color might be used in to get back to the Background
contrast with the background mode press {BS}, {<-} or the
color. If at any time you want Backspace key on your keyboard.
to get back to the Background
Page 51
U S I N G O P T I O N S :
Use these screens to change the setup and defaults that ASTRO
uses when horoscopes are created. You can also use the setup
function to change screen colors, disk and directory choices,
page length, screen driver, and printer string.
You can setup options for each major type of horoscope
independently. You can setup many different types of
characteristics to customize or setup a default type of setup.
SETUP SCREEN. a directory for each type of
This screen allows you to file.
customize screen colors, disk Note: the swap attribute tells
and directory usages, printer ASTRO that it will need to swap
page length, screen driver and disks on a floppy disk drive.
special printer output string. On a hard disk system or a
single high density floppy 1.2M
SCREEN COLORS. or 1.44M, or two 720k drives
The first section allows you to you would turn all these fields
setup the screen colors. You off, but with two 360k drives
select each of the four compo- all these fields should be
nents of each screen attribute: turned on.
background color, foreground The Program Directory is
color, the bright attribute, where ASTRO itself, the utility
and blink for blinking color. programs, and the overlays
There are seven different (files ending with .OVL) are
screen types used by ASTRO. found. These files end with
If you are using a .COM or .EXE.
monochrome adapter you will The Help Directory is
only be able to use the fore- where the help file and the
ground and background colors Astro-Helper files are found.
white and black, though you can These files end with .HLP.
use the bright and blink The Database directory is where
attributes. If you are using an the database files are located.
LCD type system, you won't be These are files for the Birth
able to use the bright and Location database. These
attribute and may not be able files end with .DAT, .NDX and
to use the blink attribute .LST.
depending on the capability of The Data Directory is
your system. where the files that produce
ASTRO's text is found as well
DISK DIRECTORIES. as the screen and printer fonts
This section allows you to for the graphics. These files
setup the drives you wish to end with .TXT, .NDX, and .FON.
use for ASTRO, this will be Note there is one .NDX file for
useful if you are using a hard every .TXT file of the same
disk system and want to create main name.
Page 52
The User Directory is where the TROPICAL OR SIDEREAL ZODIAC.
charts that astro compiles are You will probably not use
written. If you convert a file this option. Some European
to a text file, or print to a astrologers tend to use the
disk file, ASTRO writes that 'Sidereal' zodiac, in which
file to the user directory the first point of Aries
unless you say otherwise. When corresponds to the star
You save and load the birth constellation, instead of
data, you save and load from the 'Tropical' zodiac where
this directory unless you say the first point of Aries
otherwise. corresponds to the Vernal
Equinox or the first point
FAST SCREEN WRITES. If you of spring. Currently these
started ASTRO up with the two systems are off by about
-BIOS flag this would be set 24 degrees and it is always
to 'No', otherwise it would changing. ASTRO uses
be set to 'Yes', but you can "Fagan's Ayanasma" in
change it. If you answer calculating this option.
'No' ASTRO will direct all -------------------------------
disk activity through your NOTE: Don't select Sidereal
computer's BIOS which is unless you know that you want
slower than direct RAM this option. EXPERT ONLY
access, but necessary for -------------------------------
some non- standard computer
systems. HOUSE PROCEDURE. There are many
different ways of calcu-
CHART OPTION SCREENS lating your house cusps.
This option allows you to
select one of the more
BIRTH OPTION SCREEN. popular systems. ASTRO sup-
Use this screen to setup the ports Equal House, Placidus,
options used by the Compile Koch, Regiomontanus, Cam-
Default Birth Chart selection. panus, and M-House systems.
This selection also affects Placidus is the most popular
various aspects of other Birth for general purpose astro-
charts. For the most part logy, but fails at high
though you won't have to change latitudes, where you may
any of these options except to want to use another. The
setup a default chart. You may Equal House system is the
wish to change some of these simplest, and often used,
once you have experience with but may not produce accurate
ASTRO to customize it to your results. See an Astrology
personal preferences. These are text for more information on
a few of the more important house division techniques.
options and what they mean to
you. FIND HOUSES. Self explanatory.
Determines if ASTRO will
determine house cusps.
Page 53
FIND ASPECTS. Self explanatory. For More Information About
Determines if ASTRO will These Options. See the section
determine planetary aspects. "Compiling a Chart" for more
information. You can get more
FIND EXTENDED ASPECTS. When information on each option from
this is 'No', ASTRO will the help system.
only find Conjunct, Sextile,
ition aspects. When 'Yes' Use this screen to setup the
ASTRO will find Semi-Sex- options used by the Compile
tile, Semi- Square, and Compatibility Chart selection.
Semi-Sesquiquadrate and The options operate as they do
aspects to house cusps as in the birth options screen.
well. Though these aspects
are found, there is no text TRANSITS OPTION SCREEN.
available for them at this Use this screen to setup the
time. options used by the Compile
Transits Chart selection. The
SUMMARY AT END OF REPORT. If options operate as they do in
this is 'Yes' a report is the birth options screen.
placed at the end of the
report, summarizing numbers
of different trends and O U T P U T O P T I O N S
tells you what they mean.
'Yes', ASTRO will calculate PRINTER SETUP SCREEN.
several different miscel-
laneous values such as Dec- Use this screen to change
anates of signs, Critical printing and conversion data.
Degrees, and Anaretic Included in this screen are
Degrees. translation information for
translating attributes in the
VERTEX AND EAST POINT. If this output files to printers and
is 'Yes', ASTRO will cal- ASCII file conversion.
culate the 'Vertex' and
'East Point' for the chart PRINTER TYPE. This is either
in question. These angles "Epson or Compatible Dot
are highly theoretical in Matrix", "HP LaserJet,
nature. No text on these is DeskJet or Compatible", or
available. "Generic Printer". This will
update all the control
Strings Below to Default
GENERATE GRAPHICS DATA. If set values for the specific
to 'Yes' this option pro- printers. If You use a
duces graphics data to run printer that is for example
using the graphics cartwheel 90% compatible with
option. Epson/IBM, you can choose
Page 54
that printer and edit the language report version, You
string chosen. The "Generic must be using a font which
Printer" driver allows you supports the PC-8 Symbol set
to use printers which might or the Characters or Accents
not normally be supported will be incorrect. This does
such as daisy-wheel prin- not apply to dot matrix
ters, or other non-compa- printers.
tible printers. This type of
a printer must only be able SYMBOL SET NAME. This is the
to Backspace, have an technical name for the
underscore character (_), symbol set referred to
and do a form feed. above. When you select the
"Other Specify -->" symbol
------------------------------- set choice, use this field
NOTE: The following three to specify the actual symbol
fields applies only to HP set code. It must end in a
LaserJet, HP DeskJet Laser Capital Letter.
------------------------------- USE ITALICS OR UNDERSCORE. If
HP Printer Font. If you are you are using a HP LaserJet
Using a HP LaserJet, DeskJet or DeskJet compatible, and
or Compatible, you can your font supports an
select the font you wish to italic, you can use Italics
use for your printout. Note, by selecting this option,
you must have this font otherwise key phrases will
loaded, either as a soft be underscored. Selecting
font, Cartridge or Internal this option will change the
font before Printing. The applicable printer strings.
Printout uses the Regular This doesn't apply to dot
and Bold font as well as matrix printers.
Italics if you wish. This
doesn't apply to dot matrix PRINTER CONVERSION STRINGS.
printers. In these strings enter the
------------------------------- commands that your printer uses
SYMBOL SET TO USE. If you are for these attributes as
using a HP LaserJet, DeskJet described above in Printer
or compatible, this field Control String. If you are
allows you to select the using a standard printer you
symbol set for the HP font don't need to change these.
Chosen above. When you chose -------------------------------
a font the default symbol NOTE: Non-typeable codes can
set is selected. The Symbol be entered by typing their
set must be supported by the ASCII decimal codes in between
font Cartridge or font '<' and '>'. for the escape
loaded. If you have modified character which is ASCII
the text source for foreign decimal code 27, you would
languages with accents, or enter <27>.
are using the Spanish -------------------------------
Page 55
PRINTER CONTROL STRING. This margin and the text to be 6-
string provides basic 1/2 inch wide, you would set
parameters that the printer these two fields as
requires to start printing suggested here. This will
your report. These include give you a one inch right
justification, line spacing, margin.
basic font, print quality,
etc. LINES PER PAGE. This is the
total number of lines avail-
BOLD ON STRING. This string able on your page. This
turns on the printer's bold includes top and bottom
face or double strike. With margin. A value of 66 is
some printers this is called appropriate with dot matrix
"emphasized text". printers printing six lines
per inch. A value of 60 is
BOLD OFF STRING. This string appropriate with laser
turns off the printer's bold printers.
face, double strike or
emphasized text. This must PRINT HEAD ON PAGE 1. If This
turn off what the previous option is turned on, a
command turned on. header is printed on page
one. If this is turned off,
UNDERSCORE ON STRING. This there is no header printed
string turns on the on page one.
printer's underscore
function. PRINTING DEVICE. If you wish to
print to your default
UNDERSCORE OFF STRING. This printer leave this field
string turns off the blank. For most people this
printer's underscore will be sufficient. If you
function. want to print to your second
printer, enter "LPT2". If
COLUMN WIDTH. This is the you want to print to a
width, based on 10 char- specific device driver enter
acters per inch, of the the device here.
text. A 6-1/2 inch width
would be entered as 60. END LINE WITH. This field
indicates how lines on your
OTHER OPTIONS. printer must be ended with.
On a laser printer, ignore
LEFT MARGIN WIDTH. This is the this field, this will be set
width, based on 10 by the program. Try to use
characters per inch, of the the field the way the
left margin. A 1 inch left program sets it.
margin would be entered as
If you have 8-1/2" wide
paper, and want a one inch
Page 56
------------------------------- -------------------------------
NOTE: If when you print a NOTE: The file conversion does
report, the lines end and start not concern itself with fonts.
erratically, at strange places, If You are using a laser
choose "Line Feed + Carriage printer you will have to set
Return". If your pages wind up the font, provide settings and
with always more than one line reformat the document once you
space between lines, choose are in your word processing
"Carriage Return Only". program.
------------------------------- -------------------------------
LEFT INDENT. This is the width,
WORD PROCESSOR CONVERSION based on 10 characters per
SETUP. inch, of the left margin. A
1 inch left margin would be
This screen allows your to cus- entered as 10.
tomize the way ASTRO converts If you have 8-1/2" wide
files to word processing and paper, and want a one inch
ASCII. The following strings margin and the text to be 6-
don't have any effect on word 1/2 inch wide, you would set
processing conversion other these two fields as sug-
than ASCII conversions. gested here. This will give
you a one inch right margin.
BOLD ON STRING. This string
marks the start of bold face CONVERSION. This is your
in the file. default standard word
processing conversion. Pick
BOLD OFF STRING. This string one that your favorite word
marks the end of bold face processor supports. This
in the file. This must turn will most likely either be
off what the previous one of the two WordStar
command turned on. types, one of the two Word
Perfect Choices, or ASCII.
Underscore On String. This If you are using ASCII,
string marks the beginning you can eliminate the soft
of underscore or italics. line breaks and only have
the paragraph/hard line
UNDERSCORE OFF STRING. This breaks in the file. This may
string marks the end of make reformatting more easy
underscore or italic started once it gets into your word
above function. processor.
width, based on 10 char- PRINTING.
acters per inch, of the
text. A 6-1/2 inch width This screen will allow you to
would be entered as 60. change the graphics
configuration, and customize it
to your needs. You can change
Page 57
graphics mode, screen colors font name to be used. This
and printer configurations. version of ASTRO uses
This screen will allow you to special screen and printer
support printers other than font combinations to provide
Epson/IBM or HP LaserJet and the high graphics resolution
DeskJets for a graphics and the glyphs displayed on
printout, by allowing you to the screen. There is a font
enter the specific printer file for each major printer
codes for your printer, if driver. This field will be
needed. set by the program when
If a graphics setup file setting the printer.
(ASTROGRA.DAT) has not been For 9 pin printers, the
created already, you will see a font name is ASTROEP9. For
message to the effect that one 24 pin printers, the font
will be created. ASTRO does name is ASTRO24P. For HP
this if it can't find the setup LaserJet and DeskJet
data or the setup data is printers the font name is
invalid. If the file ASTROGRA ASTROHPL.
.DAT already exists you should
erase it before starting ASTRO. FONT FILE NAME AND PATH. This
is the font file's full file
GRAPHICS MODE. This field will name and directory path
allow you to select from any locating where it can be
of the valid Graphics Modes found. This is usually the
that you have available for same place where the Data
your hardware configuration. files are kept, but it can
Press the space bar or the be changed. On a floppy disk
first letter of an adapter system it would be where the
to select from the choices. .OUT and .GRA files are
The first choice that is written.
displayed is the highest
resolution screen mode PRINTER TYPE. This is the
available and will probably printer driver type. This
be the one you want unless will update all the control
there is a problem with your Strings Below to Default
graphics adapter, in which values for the specific
case you can try one of the printers.
other modes. The choice you ASTRO in this version
make will also update other supports Epson/IBM &
key fields on this screen compatible 9 pin dot matrix
with applicable values. printers (both B&W and
Frequently the choice that Color), Epson/IBM &
ASTRO starts out with will compatible 24 pin dot matrix
be the best general choice printers (both B&W and
available to you. Color), and HP LaserJet,
DeskJets and Compatibles.
FONT NAME. This field allows
you to specify the name of a
Page 58
------------------------------- isn't quite compatible enough
NOTE: If you are using a 9 pin but still operates the same,
printer and are using a EGA or you can change these.
VGA and are having difficulty -------------------------------
getting a printout on your NOTE: The strings below don't
printer, select "Epson & have any effect on laser
compat. 9pin--BIOS Driver". printer drivers.
This gets the image from the -------------------------------
screen using the bios. For GRAPHICS INITIALIZATION STRING.
other printers this is too slow This field allows you to
to be practical. customize the string sent to
------------------------------- the printer which sets up
This version of ASTRO uses the graphics mode and line
a more compatible way of spacing. If you want to
obtaining the graphics data enter an ASCII value which
from the screen and should be can't be typed on the
more compatible. If You use a keyboard enter it as a
printer that is for example 90% number in between < and >
compatible with Epson/IBM, you such as the Escape char
can choose that printer and number 27 is represented by
edit the string chosen. <27>.
Generally speaking, on
PRINTING MODE. Use this field most dot matrix printers
to customize the printing this string sets the line
mode, to either get a faster spacing to 7/72" or 21/216"
draft quality printout or whatever the printers normal
get a higher quality graphics line spacing will
printout. be. If your printer leaves
------------------------------- excessive white space
NOTE: If You are using a 24 pin between rows, this is the
printer, this selection field to edit.
supports the 360 dpi mode. this
should not be necessary. The TEXT RESET STRING. This field
180 dpi mode is efficient and allows you to enter the code
very sharp, actually sharper for resetting the printer to
than the HP LaserJet driver, text mode and text line
but less dense. spacing.
For 9 pin printers, 120
dpi slow speed is usually the GRAPHICS LINE HEADER STRING.
best choice, though 240 dpi is This field allows you to
definitely sharper but it takes enter the code which tells
longer to print. the printer that the next
------------------------------- chunk of data coming is for
PRINTER SETUP STRINGS. graphics and for which
These are the actual control graphics setup. Normally
strings that are being used by this code is set up setting
the printing drivers. If you the graphics mode and
want to use a printer which telling it two ASCII codes
Page 59
following telling it how You can also enter
many printer columns are to <27>$<0><0> which will just
follow with the graphics return the printer carriage.
data. In some printers you may
For dot matrix Printers need to enter
ASTRO supports a screen mode <27>$<0><0><27>J<1>, which
independent way of will home the cursor and
expressing this. In this step the head down one unit.
field you will probably see The extra spacing allows the
<27>(a Letter) <%></> where printing to fill in the
(a Letter) is either 'L', space between the dots on
'Y' or 'Z' depending on the the paper. You will also
graphics hardware and want to answer yes to "Print
printer mode. <%> represents Two Passes" below. This is
the remainder when the only applicable for 9 pin
Screen pixels vertically Dot Matrix B&W Printers.
(either 200, 348, 350, or
480) depending on screen PRINTER PORT. If You have more
mode is divided by 256. </> than one printer you may
represents the pixels need to set this field to
vertically divided by 256. your proper printer.
If your printer requires Normally "PRN:/LPT1: is
these to be in the opposite normal and is used for your
order, i.e. </><%>, ASTRO first printer port. LPT2:
will deal with this, though would be used for your
these two parameters must be second printer.
right next to each other in
the string. PRINT TWO PASSES. If you want
to enhance print quality by
END OF FIRST PASS STRING. In using a second pass, answer
order to get a real sharp yes to this. This unfortu-
crisp dark printout, you may nately slows down the print-
want all the graphics image ing process by a factor of
printed twice, similar to two. This is only applicable
NLQ printing, which will only to 9 pin B&W Dot Matrix
make the printout a little Printers.
sharper and definitely
blacker. In that case this CGA PARAMETERS.
field holds the string which These two fields apply only to
will tell the printer to go CGA color modes only (200 x
back to the left margin and 320 pixels 4 colors). Use
go down it's smallest spac- the Paltest program to
ing increment. On an Epson/ arrive at these values.
IBM printer this is 1/216", NOTE: This graphics mode is
which also moves the print not suggested.
head back to the left
Page 60
PALETTE NUMBER. This field house division lines, are
allows you to select a drawn in.
palette when displayed on a
This allows you to change PLANETS COLOR. LIGHT GREY. This
the colors that are used. is the darker color for the
are basically four choices planets. This is not used at
in the regular mode and two this time.
in the no color mode.
BACKGROUND COLOR. This field is the color used for the
allows you to set the circles themselves.
background color for CGA
GREEN. This is the bright
EGA/VGA PALETTES. color for the sign division
These fields only apply to EGA lines. This is the color
and VGA modes. These fields that the sign names are
allow you to specify the exact printed in.
color valid for your adapter
allowing you to customize the BRIGHT HOUSES. BRIGHT RED. This
colors used. Use the PALTEST is the color that house
program to arrive at these numbers and house data when
values. When using an EGA mode displayed are printed in.
the final values are rounded to
the previous 21 multiple, i.e. ASCENDANT COLOR. YELLOW AND
0, 21, 42, and 63. VGA modes DOT-DASHED. This is the
have no such restriction. These color that the Ascendant/
values are entered in their Descendant line is displayed
red, green and blue component in and the data for the
parts. Underlined are the Ascendant is printed in.
BACKGROUND COLOR. BLUE. This is the color that the indivi-
for the general background dual planet glyphs and their
color and is on color accompanying positions are
screens normally blue. You displayed with.
can change this to black by
entering 0 in all three SETUP GRAPHICS DISPLAY.
fields .
This screen sets up how a
default cartwheel is displayed.
SIGN COLOR. GREEN OR DASHED. It also sets up how a cartwheel
This is the color which the is printed when you choose
actual sign division lines "Print Graphics Cartwheel" on
are drawn in. the View/Print menu.
In these fields, respond
HOUSES COLOR. RED OR DOTTED. Yes or No depending on how you
This is the color which the want these options dealt with.
Page 61
These are useful for seeing
SHOW SIGN NAMES. This turns on the types of aspects
or off display of the sign involved.
Names around the screen. If the chart does not have
When glyphs are used these any aspects, the inner
are displayed as glyphs. aspect circle won't be drawn
This is more useful for and no aspects will be
beginners, particularly if drawn.
only the signs are
displayed. USE GLYPHS. This switches
This option may also not between the use of the
want to be used because it Classical Astrological
clutters up the screen when Glyphs and two and three
combined with the house cusp letter abbreviations for the
number and house cusp signs and planets. The
degrees. glyphs display more neatly
and cleanly, and once you
SHOW HOUSE CUSP DEGREES. This know all the signs, this is
turns on or off display of the way to display charts. A
the degrees of each house novice can use the abbrevi-
cusp. These are placed at ations until they are com-
each house cusp. This will fortable and switch over to
be useful for most people the glyphs.
knowledgeable about -------------------------------
astrology. NOTE: If you are using a CGA
type adapter, the display of
SHOW HOUSE CUSP NUMBERS. This glyphs is hard to read so you
turns on or off display of may want to use the abbrevi-
the house numbers. These are ations. If you are using the
placed midway between each 200 x 320 pixel mode you will
pair of house cusp. This is only be able to use the abbrev-
useful and one of the more iations since the glyphs are
used options. unable to display in this mode.
You can though select this mode
SHOW ASPECT LINES. In a Natal and print using glyphs.
chart which was compiled -------------------------------
using Compile Natal Chart SHOW SIGN LINES. This option
Signs, Houses and Aspects or shows or hides the display
Greater, or you compiled of the sign divisions on the
default chart with aspects screen. If a novice and you
turned on, lines showing are only displaying the
the aspects will be drawn in planets in the signs you
the middle of the screen. will want this option.
Page 62
H A N D L I N G E R R O R S :
There are several different levels of errors that may occur when
using ASTRO. There are several internal errors, such as 'Screen
Errors' that may occur. If these occur, you will be asked to
report them to 'Technical Support'.
3.0 or later you may see
MINOR DATA ENTRY ERRORS. '(F)ail' in which case you will
If you make an error when be able to just fail the DOS
entering data, the system will operation that caused the
beep and you will see a message problem. Though If you see
in the prompt area which will '(A)bort' and select it ASTRO
tell you about the error. itself will end, without
properly shutting down. When
OTHER ERRORS AND WARNINGS. You see one of these, correct
If a minor error occurs while the situation, and make a
you are using ASTRO, a box will choice. Make a choice by
popup on the screen and will pressing the letter
describe it for you. You will corresponding to the choice.
be asked to press any key to -------------------------------
continue. You will see at the NOTE: you can also press any
top left of that box a title other key to continue. If you
saying either 'A Note From use this option you may need to
ASTRO...' which is an extremely repeat this several times. Then
minor situation, 'Warning!' is you will see an error alert box
a minor situation that you may which you can ignore and you
need to be warned about, and will return to the screen or
'Error!!' is an error situation menu system.
of a more serious nature. -------------------------------
If you are in the graphics
DOS CRITICAL ERRORS. program and are attempting to
If a serious system error printout the screen to the
occurs, you will hear a beep, printer, and your printer is
and an error will be displayed off, or the program is unable
at the bottom row of the to write to the printer, you
screen. You may be asked to do will hear several beeps. No
one or more of the following message will be displayed
"(I)gnore (R)etry (F)ail because it would disrupt the
(A)bort". screen. Once you have checked
If you see '(I)nore, you your printer and it is on and
may be able to ignore the operating, press 'R' to Retry,
situation and continue. If you or press 'A' to Abort the
see '(R)etry', you will be able graphics program.
to correct the situation and
retry the operation that caused
the error. If you are using DOS
Page 63
MEMORY ERRORS. happen due to memory
limitations, and are minor.
If you run out of memory there These are never due to the
are two kinds of errors that user.
may occur. The first is a Here are some of the more
'Fatal' error. A fatal error common errors that may occur
will cause ASTRO to shut down and what may cause them to
immediately. A 'Non-Fatal' happen:
error is an error that ASTRO
can recover from, though you SYSTEM ERRORS.
will not be able to complete or
repeat that operation without FILE OR DIRECTORY DOES NOT
additional memory. This type of EXIST! Check to make sure
an error is displayed at the that the directories and
bottom of the screen much as a files that this message
'Critical Error', in this case concerns exists, copy them
you will be asked to just press from your master diskette,
any key to continue. or verify that the infor-
Sometimes these happen mation on the setup screen
because the system's memory has is accurate. Check the setup
been fragmented, which means it screen.
has been broken into too many
little pieces to be used. This NO SPACE LEFT ON DRIVE! Delete
can be solved by quitting ASTRO files on that drive to make
and restarting the program or room or switch to a new disk
rebooting your system. or drive.
If something goes wrong in NEED AT LEAST 12! Check the
one of the screens that ASTRO Installation information.
uses, an error may occur. You This program requires a
will not be able to do anything minimum of 12 files in the
about these errors. These CONFIG.SYS, but 20 is
errors are always fatal and suggested. You can find this
should be reported to the ASTRO file on your boot disk in
Technical Support at your the root or '\' directory.
soonest convenience, along with This file can be edited with
your system configuration and a word processor that can
the situation that caused it to work with ascii files.
Many of these type of DOS CRITICAL ERRORS.
situations are minor. The prog-
ram exits at that time to pre- DATA CORRUPTED! The disk is
vent a problem from continuing trying to read a disk that
to corrupt the system or dos. has been corrupted, perhaps
I suggest that you restart by a magnetic field or other
the program after that error damage. Recopy the disk
occurs. Many of these errors from a master and try again.
Page 64
disk or device. Try it
DEVICE OR PRINTER OUT OF PAPER again, reboot, try again, or
OR NOT READY! This error see a competent repair
indicates that your printer technician. This may suggest
may not be turned on, is out a bad disk, or a disk which
of paper, or the device you is not formatted.
are printing or writing to
such as a modem or communi- TRYING TO WRITE TO WRITE
cation port is not ready to PROTECTED DISK! Remove the
be used, and may be off-line disk from the drive and
or turned off. remove the write protect tab
from the disk if you are
DRIVE NOT READY! The drive door using a 5-1/4" disk or check
is not closed. Close it and the write protect tab on a
choose retry. 3-1/2" diskette.
is reporting errors as it trying to write to a disk or
reads the data. You will device that does not exist.
need to either reformat this A system error may have
disk or start with another clobbered a device or a part
one. In any case the data of DOS that you are trying
you are trying to read may to use. If you are sure the
not be usable. disk or device is present,
reboot your system and try
ERROR WRITING DATA! Your drive again. If it still is a
is reporting errors as it problem, see a repair
writes the data. You will technician. Make sure of the
need to either reformat this drive or device you are
disk or start with another trying to use.
This may as well be an error UNKNOWN DISK TYPE! You are
with a printer if you are trying to use a diskette
printing at the time the that your system does not
error happened. Check to recognize. Such as trying to
make sure the printer you use a 1.2M floppy on a 360k
have selected is plugged system. Or trying to use a
into your computer. diskette from another
computer system that uses
GENERAL FAILURE! There has been another operating system.
a general failure on this
Page 65
G L O S S A R Y O F A S T R O L O G I C A L T E R M S :
AFFLICTION. An outdated term
that describes either a ASPECT. An angular relationship
difficult aspect (i.e. between two planets,
Squared or Opposition), or angles, etc. These rela-
a placement of a planet or tionships are based on
angle in a sign that does harmonics or multiples.
not suit it, (i.e. Mars in The major aspects are
Pisces). Also describes a Conjunct, Trine, Sextile
relationship with a Squared, and Opposition,
"Malefic", such as Saturn. though there are many
intermediate minor
AIR SIGNS. Aquarius, Gemini, or aspects. The first three
Libra. These signs are aspects are generally
generally associated with considered to be bene-
the air. The air signs are ficial and the last two
usually connected with considered to be dif-
communication and the ficult, though the more
intellect. difficult aspects can act
as teachers and help you
ANGLES. Refers to the Major to learn and grow.
angles in a chart.
Includes: the Ascendant ASTROLOGER. A professional who
or Rising Sign, the Des- practices astrology.
cendant, which is opposite
the Ascendant, the Med BENEFIC. Planets and aspects
Coeli or Midheaven, and that were thought to give
Immum Coeli, which is positive influences.
opposite the Med Coeli. Traditionally Jupiter and
Venus are the two Major
ANGULAR HOUSES. The first, Benefics in that order,
fourth, seventh, and tenth though Mercury and the
houses. These houses are Moon are also considered
generally connected with Benefic. Conjunct, Sex-
the Cardinal signs and tile, and Trine aspects
Cardinal Qualities. are also considered
ASCENDANT. The point of the
zodiac that falls on the CADENT. The third, sixth, ninth
eastern horizon at the and twelfth houses. These
time of your birth. This are ruled by Mutable
is the same as the first Signs, and are generally
house cusp and describes associated with the
your personality and Mutable Qualities.
character and how you
relate to your world.
Page 66
CAMPANUS. Thirteenth century CUSP. A line dividing the
mathematician and astro- houses or signs. When
loger who devised the dealing with signs it
Campanus House System. represents a gray area
where the individual may
CARDINAL SIGNS. The signs be affected by both signs.
Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn. These fall at DECAN, DECANATES. A division of
the Cardinal Points of the the signs into 10 degrees
Zodiac, with Aries begin- each of which is subtly
ning at the "Vernal Equi- different from one another
nox" or first point of due to the different
Spring, or the beginning rulers involved.
of the Zodiac. These signs
are generally associated DESCENDANT. The angle that is
with action and begin- exactly across from the
nings. They are also asso- Ascendant. It is the cusp
ciated with initiatory and of the seventh house. Your
dynamic actions. descendant relates to your
marriage and partnership
COMPOSITE CHART. A Chart for and interaction with
two people which is others. This is also the
created by taking their Seventh House Cusp.
planet positions and
taking the midpoints EARTH SIGNS. The signs Taurus,
between. Represents the Virgo and Capricorn. These
relationship. signs represent "Earthly"
qualities such as sta-
CONJUNCTION. An aspect formed bility, responsibility,
when two angles or planets and practicality.
are at roughly the same
angle (usually within 8 EAST POINT. The angle which is
degrees). rising over the eastern
horizon at the earth's
CRITICAL DEGREES. 13, and 26 equator at any time.
degrees of Aries, Cancer, Occasionally used for
Libra and Capricorn. 9, Compatibility analysis.
and 21 degrees in Taurus,
Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. EASY ASPECT. A harmonious
Also 4 and 17 degrees in aspect such as Conjunct,
Gemini, Virgo, Sagit- Trine, or Sextile.
tarius, and Pisces. Comes
from the Hindus. Thought ECLIPTIC. The apparent path
to be a sensitive point that the sun would take if
that strengthens the power it actually rotated around
of the sign. the earth.
Page 67
ELEMENTS. Air, Water, Earth and HARD ASPECTS. Inharmonious
Fire. aspects. Generally
considered to be Squared,
EQUAL HOUSE SYSTEM. The system and Opposition, and
that takes the first house others. Aspects when the
being the Ascendant and energies do not always
dividing the remaining 11 help.
houses into equal 30
degree slices. The M-House HARMONIOUS ASPECTS. Conjunct,
system starts with the Med Sextile, and Trine. Also
Coeli or Midheaven being referred to as Easy
the cusp of the 10th house aspects.
and dividing the other 11
houses as equal 30 degree HOUSE. A section of the zodiac,
slices. mathematically defined,
which represents a
FEMININE SIGNS. Earth and water particular area of life.
signs. Feminine refers to
receptivity, not gender. IMMUM COELI. The bottom of the
heavens. The fourth house
FIRE SIGNS. Aries, Leo, and cusp in non-equal or
Sagittarius. These signs Quadrant house system.
are considered fiery, Represents The family
passionate, and relations and home life.
FIXED SIGNS. Taurus, Leo, falls between two adjacent
Scorpio, and Aquarius. house cusps, but neither
These signs are associated of those house cusps are
with fixed and stable in that sign.
emotional characteristics.
KOCH. Dr. Walter Koch, a German
FLAT CHART. A chart in which astrologer who founded the
the first house is set at Koch House System or
degrees Aries. Frequently Birthplace House System.
used when the birth time
and therefore the LOCALITY CHART. See Relocation
Ascendant is not known. Chart.
GREATER BENEFIC. Jupiter. MALEFIC. An old term used to
Assumed to bring your refer to planets or
major blessings. aspects thought to cause
harm. It usually refers to
GREATER MALEFIC. Saturn. the planet Saturn and
Assumed to be the cause of Mars. Minor Malefics are
evil in your life. also Uranus, Neptune and
Page 68
MASCULINE SIGNS. Air and Fire from the sum of Ascendant
Signs. Those signs are and Moon positions in
suggested to manifest degrees. Suggests
aggressiveness, sometimes fortunate circumstances.
referred to as Positive
signs. PLACIDUS. Spanish Monk,
Placidus de Tito, 17th
MEDIUM COELI, Med. Coeli, MC. century. Creator of the
The Midheaven. Taken to be Placidus House System.
the point directly over- Most commonly used house
head in the chart. In an system today.
unequal chart it is the
cusp of the tenth house. PLANET. From Greek "Planetes"
This describes your career or the wanderer. Describes
and public ambitions any body that appears,
andyour relations with from the Earth, to move.
PROGRESSIONS. Term used for
MUTABLE SIGNS. The Signs advancing planets and
Gemini, Virgo, house cusps from birth to
Sagittarius, and Pisces. a second point in time.
Signs associated with Usually 1 day for each
adaptability and year of life.
RECTIFICATION. Correction for
NODE. The point of interception inexact birth-time.
between a planet's orbit
and the ecliptic. REGIOMONTANUS. German Astrol-
oger 15th century who
OPPOSITION. An aspect devised the Regiomontanus
representing an angular House System.
difference of 180 degrees
or a situation where two RELATIVE HOUSES. Houses 3, 7,
planets are directly and 11. Associated with
across a chart from each the Air Signs.
other. Generally causes
difficulty and discord. RELOCATION CHART. A Chart for
ORB. The difference between an which the house cusps have
exact aspect and the been changed to be where
actual aspect. It also they would be if the
describes the maximum individual had been born
difference where an aspect in another location. See
still takes place. Locality Chart.
most commonly used by Backward Motion, thought
astrologers. Found by to cause difficulty in a
subtracting Sun's position person's chart.
Page 69
shows the time that a and 12. Associated with
particular body returns to the Water Signs.
the position where it was
when you were born. TRANSIT. Aspects or angles
between, the position on
RISING SIGN. Another word for any given day and the
Ascendant. positions on a person's
birth chart.
SEXTILE. An aspect with a
difference of 60 degrees. TRINE. An aspect with a
A generally helpful and difference of 120 degrees.
'Positive' aspect. A generally helpful and
positive aspect.
SIDEREAL TIME. Time in relation
to the fixed stars, rather TROPICAL ZODIAC. Zodiac that
than clock time. follows the path of the
Sun. The First point of
SIDEREAL ZODIAC. A zodiac based Aries corresponds to the
on the placement of the Vernal Equinox, not an
stars, not the Vernal actual star position.
VERTEX. A point in the Western
SIGNS. Division of the zodiac section of the Zodiac that
into twelve equal indicates the intersection
divisions, related to the of the Prime Vertical and
constellations. the Ecliptic. Sometimes
associated with fate and
SQUARE. Aspect with a wish fulfillment.
difference of 90 degrees.
Generally causes WATER SIGNS. Signs Cancer,
difficulty and discord. Scorpio, and Pisces. Signs
which represent recep-
SUCCEDENT HOUSES. Houses 2, 5, tivity, sensitivity, and
8 and 11. Associated with the emotions.
the Fixed Signs.
ZODIAC. From the Greek "Zodia-
TEMPORAL HOUSES. Houses 2, 6, kos", meaning circle of
10. Usually associated animals.
with the Earth Signs.
Page 70
G L O S S A R Y O F C O M P U T E R T E R M S :
ASCII. An anacronym repre- about the files that are
senting a Standard of de- stored on that disk.
fining which codes repre-
sent what characters. DOS/PC-DOS/MS-DOS. Literally
ASCII code number 64 "Disk Operating System". A
represents 'A'. set of programs stored in
invisible files on your
ASCII FILE. A File containing disk. Handles many of the
only characters from the basic operations of your
ASCII character set. Also computer. Usable versions
referred to as "Generic" may range from 2.1 - 5.0.
and "Text Only". A text Avoid versions 3.0, 3.1 or
file containing no control 3.20 as they may have
characters. problems.
BIOS. A Set of ROM chips in EGA, Enhanced Graphics Adapter.
your computer storing A board that you may have
instructions on how to do in your computer capable
basic operations. Means of displaying a minimum of
literally "Basic Input 16 of 64 possible colors,
Output System". and 16 color text. If you
have 128k or 256k of
BIT. Smallest Unit of storage memory on that board you
in a computer. Capable of should be able to display
recording only 1 or 0. 350x640 graphics.
If you have 64k of
BYTE. Unit of Storage in a memory you will only be
computer. Generally 8 bits able to display 200x640 or
wide. Capable of recording 200x320 graphics. This
a character, or a number board is usually used with
from 0 to 255, or -128 to an Enhanced Color Monitor.
128. It also can be used with a
TTL onochrome monitor for
CGA, Color Graphics Adapter. An 350x 640 monochrome
electronic board that may graphics and mono-chrome
be in your computer text.
capable of displaying
200x320 graphics in four ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE. A part of
possible colors. Also can memory used by DOS to
display text in 16 colors store information used by
as well. Used with a Color your program. You can view
Display Monitor. these variables or set
them by using the DOS
DIRECTORY. An area of a disk command SET{ENTER}.
that stores information
Page 71
You can set a databases in the birth
variable by the command screens.
{ENTER}, where var is the HARD DISK. An extremely high
variable you wanted to set density disk that may be
and AAA and BBB were permanently located in
directories, which can be your computer. Stores from
combined using ';'. 10 million bytes up to 40
million bytes in most
ESCAPE KEY. Key on your commonly used computers.
keyboard used to back out
or "Escape" out of a HGC, Hercules Graphics Card. A
section of a program. card that may be in your
Usually marked "ESC". computer that is used to
display monochrome text
EXTENDED MEMORY. Memory above and monochrome graphics.
the 640k limit of DOS, Many generic monochrome
available only on AT and graphics cards are capable
compatible computers in a of emulating Hercules
special mode that is Cards. It is usually
accessed by special connected to a TTL
software such as RAM- monochrome monitor. You
Disks. ASTRO can make use Must run MSHERC.COM to use
of this memory for caching this type of adapter.
of overlays.
KEY. A Field used by a database
FILE. A collection of bytes to find information.
stored on your disk.
KILOBYTE, Kbyte or K. 1024
FLOPPY DISK. The type of disk bytes. The closest
that this program is measurement used to one
supplied on. Currently thousand bytes. From Kilo
used in two major sizes 3- meaning thousand.
1/2" and 5-1/4". Comes in
two major densities high LIM EMS Expanded Memory.
density capable of storing Special type of memory
many more bytes, and a usable on PC, XT and AT
regular density. and compatible computers
with special boards. These
FUNCTION KEY. The keys on your boards map portions of
keyboard marked "F1" to this memory into an unused
"F10" or "F12". The F1 key memory space in high
is used for help, F10 for memory.
completing screens, and F2 ASTRO can make use of
calls up popup screens this type of memory for
where available. Keys F3 Overlays as well as
and F4 are used for storing different types of
other information.
Page 72
Array. An advanced video DOS environment variable
adapter used in the IBM used by DOS to find an
PS2-25 and 30 Series of executable program. You
computers. Similar in can set this one by
capabilities to the CGA. entering the command line
MDA, Monochrome Display using whatever directories
Adapter. A card that may you were using separating
be in your computer that different directory paths
is used to display mono- using the ';' mark.
chrome text, and possibly
graphics if it is Hercules RAM. Rapid Access Memory. The
Compatible. chips in your computer
used to store this program
MEGABYTE or MB. 1024 Kilobytes. while it operates.
Approximately one million
bytes. From Mega meaning RAM-DISK. Using memory instead
million. of a magnetic disk such as
a floppy or hard disk for
MEMORY. The chips in your storage. This requires a
computer used to store special driver such as is
this program and the data supplied with MS-DOS 3.3.
that is uses when in This type of storage is
operation. This program much faster than disk
needs at least 348k of storage, but the contents
memory for basic operation are forgotten when your
and works best with 512k computer is turned off.
to 640k of memory.
ROM. Read Only Memory. The
OVERLAYS. Parts of the program chips used in your
that are not currently in computer used for the
memory. Of the ASTRO.EXE BIOS. Information in these
file only about 200k is chips is permanent and
kept in memory all the can't be reprogrammed.
time. The rest is kept on
your disk and is loaded TTL. The logic used in most
when needed. computers. Usually in
display monitors used for
PATH. Your disk may be setup computers as well. Usually
with different levels of only able to respond to
directories. The path is digital on or off levels,
the direction that the rather than the smooth
disk takes to find your progression of levels that
file in a given directory. your home television set
Different levels of responds to.
directories are separated
with '\' marks.
Page 73
VGA, Video Gate Array. An Able to show 640x480
advanced video adapter and better graphics in 256
used in the IBM PS2 Series of approximately 100,000
of computers. Now available colors. Usually
available for other IBM attached to an Analog
compatible computers as Monitor that is capable of
well. displaying these colors.
Page 74
B I B L I O G R A P H Y :
Duffett-Smith, Peter, Practical Astronomy With Your Calculator.
Cambridge, UK: Press Syndicate of the University of
Cambridge, 1979, 1981.
Duffett-Smith, Peter, Astronomy With Your Personal Computer.
Cambridge, UK: Press Syndicate of the University of
Cambridge, 1985.
Erlewine, Michael, Manual of Computer Programming for
Astrologers. Tempe, AZ: American Federation of Astrologers,
Inc., 1980.
Filby, John and Filby Peter, The Astrologer's Companion.
Wellingsborough, Northhamptonshire England: The Aquarian
Press, 1986.
Gale, Mort, Instant Astrology. New York, NY: Warner Books, Inc.,
George, Llewellyn, Revised and edited by Marylee Bytheriver, The
New A To Z Horoscope Maker and Delineator. St. Paul, MN:
Llewellyn Publications, 1981.
Lineman, Rose and Popelka, Jan, Compendium of Astrology. West
Chester PA: Para Research, Inc., 1984.
Michelson, Neil F., The Koch Book of Tables. San Diego, CA: ACS
Publications, Inc., 1985.
Michelson, Neil F., The American Book of Tables. San Diego, CA:
ACS Publications, Inc., 1976.
Parker, Derek and Julia, The New Compleat Astrologer. London,
England: Mitchell Beazley International Ltd., Harmony Books
a division of Crown Publishing, New York, 1971, 1975, 1981,
Quigley, Joan, Astrology for Adults. New York, NY: Holt,
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Pottenger Dobyns, Zipporah, Progressions Directions and
Rectification, or the Great Guessing Game...What Time Where
You Born? T.I.A. Publications, 1975.
Page 75